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PostPosted: Wed 22. Aug 2018 3:45:43 

Joined: Tue 17. Jan 2017 10:48:15
Posts: 31

first of all thanks to Tomas for his brilliant and outstandig support!

I know Tomas, you are short in time and your are very busy. I tried to keep my questions as short as I could.

1.) Limits Tab: In „Limits“ you can set the Collectiv Pitch Range (+/- 12 degrees) from 32 to 255 points. How do I know about the best length of the servo horns? Which hole of the horn is best to use? I can take short horns, then the Collective Pitch Range in the software has to be higher. Or I can take longer horns, then the collective pitch range has to be fewer. What is best way?

2.) Sensor Tab: When a channel for Gyro Gain function is assigned, I have to configure gyro gain in the JETI DS-24 under „Heli Tuning | Gyro Settings“. This is clear. Is it possible to have the same procedure with cyclic gain? In other words: Is it possible to configure cyclic gain in the JETI DS-24 under „Heli Tuning | Gyro Settings“? (Note: I know that it is possible to modify cyclic gain with JETI integration in the Device Explorer menu. But that’s not my question.)

3.) Diagnostic Tab: For channel 1 (throttle) in my case it is necessary to adjust subtrim and maximum/minimum values in the JETI DS-24 under „Servo Assignment“. Kontronik wants +/- 100% values when programming the ESC. Is this a problem? In other words: I have changed subtrim and servo travel for throttle a little bit in the transmitter. Is this a problem for the ESC? The manual of the Kontronik ESC says that servo travel of throttle has to be standard (for JETI this means +/-100%). Is it a problem if you change subtrim and servo travel for throttle after programming the ESC? Or is it a problem if you change subtrim and servo travel for throttle before programming the ESC? My question: When should I program the ESC? Before changing servo values in the transmitter or afterwards?

4.) Diagnostic Tab: Do I have to adjust servo travel also for „Bank“ so that it shows +/- 100% as the other channels?

5.) I own an electric big full scale three blade LAMA (2 meters). Do you recommend the unit also for such big scale helis? Do you have experiences? (Bavarian demon is often suggested for scale helis with three and more blades.)

6.) Which english forums are best to visit? Your forum, Helifreak and RunRyder are my first choice. Are there other forums where you provide support?

Kind regards


PostPosted: Wed 22. Aug 2018 14:50:22 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
Posts: 12557

thank you for your kind message :)

1) You can find it directly once servo arms and push rods are mounted at the servos. Correct length is so that all push rods are perpendicular in each direction and symmetrical.
So that there is basically 90° angle between servo arms and push rods.

2) It is possible, but since cyclic gain changes are required only very rarely, you have to assign it through special functions - P: Cyclic Gain in the General/Channels to selected channel.

3) No need to change anything in your radio if you want to connect ESC at the Spirit unit. This is done in the General - Governor/Throttle - Throttle Range.
In the unit you should see 0 - 100% throttle range.
But if you will connect ESC at the receiver, then you do not have to make any changes in unit or radio.

4) No

5) For sure it will work well. There are many scale pilots with Spirit and multirotor helicopters.

6) We provide support only here or by direct contact. I am replying sometimes also on HF, but rarely.

Spirit System developer

PostPosted: Thu 23. Aug 2018 2:56:57 

Joined: Tue 17. Jan 2017 10:48:15
Posts: 31
Hello Tomas,

thank you very much for your reply! Sorry Tomas, I still do not understand completely. May I try to explain it again in three steps (A, B, C) as clear as possible.

(A) My initial situation:

(A1) I want to use the internal governor from my ESC (Kontronik JIVE). I do not want to use the internal governor of the SPIRIT. So I do not disable the internal governor in the JIVE ESC. And I do not activate Governor feature in the SPIRIT. I do not enter Governor Settings in the General tab.

(A2) And at the same time I want to connect the throttle cable of the JIVE (due to the too short length of this cable) in the SPIRIT unit in AUX1 port (and not in the receiver). With other words: The master cable of the Kontronik JIVE goes into AUX 1 port of the SPIRIT. And still: I want to use the internal governor from my ESC (Kontronik JIVE).

So that is my initial situation. In this situation I have to go to „General / Channels“ and choose „Channel 1“ for the throttle. Then I go to the diagnostic tab.

(B) Diagnostic Tab:

The manual says: „Secondly, it is necessary to check the values of aileron, elevator, pitch and rudder channels. These channels must be centered at approximately 0%. The unit automatically detects the neutral position during each initialization. Do not use subtrim or trim functions on your transmitter for these channels, as the Spirit FBL unit will consider these as an input command.“

I am reading carefully: This means that it is not necessary to adjust subtrim in the transmitter for „Throttle", "Gyro" and „Bank“. It is only necessary for aileron, elevator, pitch and rudder.

And then the manuals says: "It is also recommended to set the maximum and minimum values. Test the minimum and maximum throws for all channels, if these values are not equal to -100% and 100% in the diagnostic tab it is necessary to adjust your transmitter endpoints to correct this.“

This means that it is neccessary to adjust servo travel in the transmitter for all channels. So also for „Throttle", "Gyro" and „Bank“. (Or means "for all channels" only aileron, elevator, pitch and rudder?)

Okay: So I open my JETI DS-24 and adjust only servo travel of channel 1 (throttle) in order to get +/- 100% in the diagnostic tab. I do not have to adjust subtrim to get 50% in the middle position of the stick. (But the following videos are giving the advice to adjust the middle position of the throttle stick in order to get 50%. He gives the advice to use subtrim for channel 1 so that the stick shows 50% in middle stick position:

But maybe this is wrong: There is no need for adjusting subtrim and servo travel for channel 1 (throttle) at all. Or it is necessary to adjust subtrim and servo travel of channel 1?

It is not clear too me. Confusing!

What I did finally: I adjusted subtrim and servo travel of channel 1 in the transmitter so that it shows 50% (middle position) and +/-100% (end positions) in the diagnostic tab.

(C) Calibrating Kontronik ESC:

Only now I calibrate throttle range according to instructions of my Kontronik ESC. It is configured by powering the model with throttle stick with 100% throttle and then by moving the stick down to 0% (beep, beep, beep …). I guess I have to do this Kontronik step at last. I should not do this step at the very beginning, I should not do this step before adjusting the SPIRIT as described above in A and B.

The end. :-)


There are two more short questions.

Question (1) You say I do not have to adjust subtrim or servo travel in the transmitter for „Bank“. This means: In the diagnostic tab the „Bank“ needs not to show 0% and +/- 100%. My further question: Do I have to adjust subtrim and servo travel for „Gyro“ so that it shows 0% and +/- 100%? In this video it is shown that we have to adjust subtrim and servo travel in the transmitter also for „Gyro“. But I guess this video is wrong at this point. There is no need for adjusting sub trim and servo travel for Bank and Gyro at all.

Question (2) I want my DS-24 to show head speed (RPM) on the display. Therefore you wrote at HF:

You only have to set General - Throttle/Governor - Gear Ratio to 9.90 and Sensing Divider to 4. If the readout will be too low, set Gear Ratio to 3.30. Then i hope it will be fine. If you do not use Spirit Governor, enable the Governor temporarily to set these parameters.

Is this really the right procedure? I thought you have to set Gear Ratio and Sensing Divider only in „Advanced / Telemetry Settings / Fine Tuning“. Where do I have to set Gear Ratio and Sensing Divider now when I do not want to use the internal governer of the SPIRIT: In „General / Throttle/Governor“ or in „Advanced / Telemetry Settings / Fine Tuning“?

Kind regards


PostPosted: Sat 25. Aug 2018 14:50:58 

Joined: Tue 17. Jan 2017 10:48:15
Posts: 31

it seems that other pilots also deliberate on this question ... But there is no final assessment. The question is open. ... &view=next

This is the situation:

- using KONTRONIK governor (and not the Spirit Governor)
- Throttle cable of the Kontronik is in AUX1 port of the unit
- General/Channels Tab: Channel 1 is assigned to "throttle"
- Tomas says here: "No Need for adjusting subtrim or servo travel in the Radio then (JETI) - see above"
- Tomas says: "Then adjusting Throttle range in "General/Governor-Throttle/Settings"
- and then I guess: calibration of the KONTRONIK governor (beep, beep ...)

The Problem is that changing the values of "Throttle Range" in General/Governor-Throttle/Settings have no influence on the Diagnostic tab and Channel 1.

I don't get it!

PostPosted: Wed 29. Aug 2018 12:37:44 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
Posts: 12557

throttle range has no influence in the Diagnostic tab, because you can see there what is coming from your radio, not what is coming out of the unit.
But if you will connect servo at the AUX1 instead of the ESC you will see what is happening.

The ESC is only expecting some range and if it is good (usually default range is fine) then there will be no problem. If you actually know what range is programmed in the ESC, you can set it directly in the Spirit Settings. But usually these values can't be displayed in the ESC so throttle calibration in your ESC is usually required.

Regarding subtrim or travel range in your radio it is usually enough to leave it as is since with Jeti and EX Bus range should be fine out of the box.
But to be ideal you should see 0 - 100% in the Diagnostic tab when your throttle curve is linear from 0 - 100%. So you can make some changes in order to get it into this conditon.

Spirit System developer

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