I attached the X5 to a wooden board and weighted the board heavily. This enabled me to run the Spirit vibe analysis software with and without blades in the following three ways:
1. No blades
2. Only tail blades
3. Tail and Main blades
I ran each of the 3 test scenarios above at 70%, 75% and 80% throttle. I have zipped the image files taken from my Android device during vibe analysis, I've also pasted them into an Evernote doc - so you can choose your poison so to speak

The directory structure is simple, e.g. for the x/y/z axis images for 70% throttle:
or for 85% throttle:
there's three pictures per directory, always X, Y and Z axis snapshots - the axes markings can be seen on the bottom left of each of the picture.
X5 Analysis.zip [700.04 KiB]
Downloaded 80 times
Seems like with blades, the vibes are huge - but I don't know if this is normal or not. Any help is appreciated trying to decode the story that this tells.
Evernote link is:
https://www.evernote.com/l/AAdi1wcb0OdO ... KEjnecBLfQThanks.