Hello Andy !
If you have unequal pitch that means your swashplate is not in the middle of the travel path -
You have all servoarms at 90° ? If yes then you have to lenghen the length of the servo pushrods, if that is possible - then take an swash-leveler that the swashplate is in level - I have no idea how much this is but I would at first lengthen the pushrods +1mm for example. After that you have to adjust ad "midstick" that the blades have to have 0° ! Midstick is meant at subtrim (tuning) without gyro - shorten/lengthen then the pushrods to the bladegrips that you get 0° -
If you can not lengthen/shorten the pushrods in your heli I don't know because I don't have any Mikado, then you can try in subtrim tuning menue at pitch adjustment set there an check at the box pitch-adjustment - now you can all servos drive in the wanted direction by changeing only one servo data for example +-5...
Make sure that your values change evenly, ideally you should write down the values of the individual servos beforehand, then nothing gets lost -
One is the clean way, the other is the only possible way if you cannot change the length of the servo pushrods -
All the best with the adjustment!
I hope I haven't messed anything up now
If so, you will notice it yourself when you set it up - then sorry for confusion...
Best regards