Sawdfish wrote:
Hi ZeXx86,
My Geolink seems to working fine in the air even though when facing Magnetic North the adjusted reading from the software says 090 deg (127 deg - 037 deg adj) just like in the manual.
Could you please explain why this is so? Why when it is facing North - it is reading 090 degrees and not 000 degrees. There must be some explainable reason for this because even though it is written in the manual it defies common logic. It would help a few pilots get on with flying instead of why they can't get their Geolink to calibrate.
Look forward to your response.
This ^
I've given up on the GeoLink for now. I can't get my head around 90 degrees PLUS the 30-degree offset I'll have to use. I assumed it would simply use GPS heading and position for orientation.
I also can't make heads or tails of the altitude and position holds while keeping base stability on. The translated English manual is hard to reconcile when terms are used interchangeably, and it gets confusing.