I am sorry for delayed reply.
We updated Troubleshooting section to help you with the problem.
Please take a look here:
https://manual.spirit-system.com/index. ... tion_driftAfter checking your settings I recommend to:
Expert Settings - Pitch Pump Booster to 0.
This could cause excessive corrections for Altitude when Altitude Hold is enabled.
Also I can see that some parameters are at default - Geometry 6° - this parameter might require adjustment.
In linked Troubleshooting page, there is method for checking important settings:
1. Enable Servos / Subtrim (tuning)
2. At this point all servo arms must be in the center of their travel range. As close as possible - any visible deflection is not correct.
3. At the same time swashplate must be perfectly level - you can check it really precisely only with Cyclic Leveler tool.
4. At the same time there must be 0° between main blades. You can fold ends of the main blades so they are near each other. They must be at the same height wherever you will rotate with main shaft.
5. Only after checking that all 3 are correct, verify that Geometry 6° parameter is configured precisely.
Please let me know if some point is not set precisely. It has direct impact to completely all GeoLink functions.
Module must know where is 0° to make small and precise corrections. With steps above it will be guaranteed.
At the same time Geometry 6° is working as Gain for all the corrections. Yet this parameter is also dependent on precise servo centering.
If measuring Geometry 6° without precise servo centering then measurement is completely off because center point can be up or down by several degrees.
For this reason Geometry settings must be done always as the last.