MegaHz wrote:
OK, I understand. Can you please confirm that this specific problem wouldn't arise with official TBS hardware running it at 333Hz? Thank you very much for your time.
I don't believe TBS Crossfire/Tracer will do 333hz. Just 250hz max with TBS Tracer at the moment.
ZeXx86 wrote:
Thank you,
I am afraid we support just official receivers from TBS with official TBS CrossFire module.
If we will get such receiver we can add support for this too. This should be quite easy.
It would be great if Spirit supported the ExpressLRS packet rates! It can go up to 1000hz, but 100hz and 333hz are the "full resolution" modes ... dexes-rfmdI'm sure you're already aware, but many manufacturers have started building and selling ExpressLRS hardware, including Radiomaster.
I would be using ELRS with my Spirit GT units, but I am staying with FrSky F.Port/FBUS for now for telemetry and integration