Hello after some Tesflights,
So I disconnect the function Altitude Hold with Position Hold, what a wonder now the Positoin Hold works !??
But why in the bigger Heli my Kraken works the Altitude Hold with Position Hold together !!??
That' s mean in the smaller Heli Goblin 500 it's not a Position Hold, because in GPS Mode, the function Positon Hold is :: mantain the altitude and the vertical postion, as I say in the smaller Heli it's mantain only the vertical !!
ZeXx86 wrote:
Position hold will not change altitude at all normally.
If yes, then I am afraid some other feature is enabled. Most likely Altitude Hold.
Please turn off all other features in GeoLink Aid tab and also in the Channels window.
This should help.
You have to be able to control collective pitch with position hold. You can verify this also at the bench when GeoLink led light is On.