So I've been using Spirit 2 since april this year on my Blade fusion 270, and have collected over 1300 flights with it so far. The one and only reason I gave this unit a try is because it was supposed to have one of the most reliable rescues on the market. I'm into helis just over 2 years but I took it by the storm, flying a lot, and wanting to learn 3d, so a reliable rescue comes real handy. Here's a video of my current flying style: And Spirit's rescue lived up to it's name, I was super happy with it's performance just until recently. Always perfect rescues unless vibrations on the model were really high (after some fast & sloppy repairs), but in that case, rescue climbout was merely like 20° from vertical at worst, so still pretty good.
But in the last few days I've literally had it 2 times want to shoot my heli into the ground, both resulting in a crash after I Throttle-hold it quickly after weird rescue behaviour.
So i started to wonder if some sensor is starting to go bad (after all it has 1300 flights & about 15 crashes on it), but then unit wouldn't pass the startup self-checks I assume, and there would be some error logged in log file?
Some info: rescue type i use is "normal with acro delay" 0.6s, with 75% rescue pitch - so leveling to the closest flat orientation (upright/inverted), 0.6s climbout & then roll to normal orientation+climbout until rescue is disabled.
Vibrations on the bench are within normal limits - same as ever before.
I was running version 2.8 and worked great for me until last weekend where that first awfull suicide rescue was performed. So i even switched to the latest FW 3.2.1, and although the heli seems to fly even better, rescue failed miserably once again on this FW.
Now a little bit detail from this last failed rescue: Since i had new FW updated on Spirit i was cautious the 1st flight. As always 1st thing testing rescue on the ground before flight: OK. So took it up, 1st check how it flies in all modes, then went on with rescue from upright hower: OK. Rescue from inverted hower: OK. Rescue form a funnel: OK, rescue from backwards hurricane: OK, rescue mid-pirofliping: OK. So i though it's all fine.
Now here comes the second flight: prior flight as always checking rescue on the ground: OK. Then flying it and towards of the end of the flight, just before finishing some ailern tic-tocs, figured I'd try rescue 1 more time, and there comes the horror - from like 45° sideways upside position, heli turns like 45˘sidways towards the ground and strats shooting for the ground, so quick TH from me and dig into dirt (i don't fly very high usually so dirt nap happens fast). Went to pick it up, and when placed heli upright on the ground, i checked the rescue again: OK - swash mopves directly up. No error messages saved in the LOG again.
Then at home after repairs, i powerd up, tried to move heli all kinds of directions, shook it, turning wildly upside down and back for like half a minute, then place it on skids imidiately, testing rescue, and again it worked as it should.
Also the interesting part is that on this last occasion rescue worked fine for the 1st flight (heli was just out of a warm car), and failed towards end of the second flight, when unit had probably cooled down to outside tmepreature (just over freezing, 2°C).
So the only thing that i can think of that changed from all the time before when rescue worked flawlessly and now that it doesn't is the outside temperature. Only the last few days it's around freezing when i fly outside. It wasn't as cold ever before since i started to use Spirit in april. And i've read somewhere here on this forum a topic on this, some user had problem with rescue when he was out in less then 10°C...supposedly this should be solved with FW 3.1 and newer, but maybe the problem still persist in really low there a chance accelerometers get stuck for split second in cold, giving out wrong data, or data processing slows down bcs of cold?
Advice please, I've started loosing trust in this unit
should i just ditch using rescue and fly more conservatively or refrain from flying at all for the next 3 cold months, or somehow warm unit between flights, or could there be something else (I hope this behaviour is not permanent)?
Edit: All the swasplate movement vs stick input aswell as all compensations work correctly afcourse. Using KST DS215 for cyclic and Spektrum H3065 for tail servos, and Spektrum 4649t RX. I also added picture to show the unit's position on heli and unit's setup file for my heli.