Swashplate: H3-120, 3x Servo: NEXSPOR CLS2310S (1520µs, 333Hz)
Rude Servo: CLS2305T (760us, 560Hz)
Transmitter: FUTABA T16SZ
Receiver: FUTABA 7008SB
ESC: ROXXY 940-6-SV (the S.BUS2 version for FUTABA version)
ESC not connected to SPIRIT 2 throttle output.
ESC is conencted to S.BUS2 port of FUTABA 7008SB receiver.
no Governor is activated (not in ESC and not from SPIRIT or receiver)
SPIRIT 2 is also conneted to S.BUS2 port of FUTABA 7008SB (i.e. it is parallel connected
with the ESC to S.BUS2 port of receiver),
(question: shall i connect the SPIRIT 2 to the S.BUS port or S.BUS2 port of the FUTABA 7008SB?)
Heli Mechanic: Trex450 DIY, carbon + metal, blade 325mm
Motor: align 460MX (gear ratio 11:121)
Mechanic Vibration: my feeling is not strong.
Transmitter: FUTABA T16SZ
Swashplate setting: H1
Receiver: FUTABA 7008SB
only the S.BUS2 port of 7008SB is used to connect the 1. SPIRIT 2, 2. S.BUS2 ESC and
3. FUTABA S.BUS RPM-sensor sbs01rm
all Telemetry of the ESC and FUTABA RPM-Sensor works
ESC: ROXXY 940-6-SV (the S.BUS2 version for FUTABA)
ESC not connected to SPIRIT 2 throttle output.
ESC is conencted to S.BUS2 port of FUTABA 7008SB receiver.
SPIRIT 2 is also conneted to S.BUS2 port of FUTABA 7008SB (i.e. it is parallel connected
with the ESC to S.BUS2 port of receiver) (question: shall i connect the SPIRIT 2 to the
S.BUS port or S.BUS2 port of the FUTABA 7008SB)
Gyro Gain seeting: no channel selected, Gyro Gain is controlled by SPIRIT 2 itself
Mechanic: Trex450 DIY, carbon + metal,
Motor: align 460MX (gear ratio 11 : 121)
helicopter Vibration: not very strong
SPIRIT Flybar setting: Flybar Mechanic
other SPIRIT 2 SW settings: the attached .4ds
Video of the SPIRIT 2 Jitten/Trembling: