Hello Tomas,
i just did a single flight to test rescue... swash was perfectly level on bench during rescue and the same on the field. after around 2 minutes i tried - (as warned by some posts here) in a secure height which was good: the heli tilted heavily to the right and a bit backwards - so i had to rescue the rescue
after flight (directly after blades stopped) i tried again and the swash did a tilt to the right (i would guess not enough for that heavy tilt - but due to very uneven ground and heli far from horizontal it's only a guess)... after a power-cycle this was gone and the swash was level again in rescue. vibration level (telemetry/output%) was just the same as in the flight above you confirmed to be OK...
i did some rescue tests with 2.8.0 and they have showed good result... but of course this was during setup/tuning - no hard flying then.