dogbreath wrote:
In some future upgrade could we get number of satellites from the Geolink in the telemetry stream. Vibrations are great, number of sats would allow alarms for low number, no lock, etc. thanks, Dan
I was thinking the same thing. This is a really good idea. The accuracy of RTH and altitude limits will be dependent on the number of Sats that have locked.
If bandwidth is an issue maybe another option would be when RTH is enabled blink the blue light with the number of Sats that are locked followed by two quick blinks to indicate the end. So if 3 Sats were locked you would get blink......blink.......blink......blink blink in a continuous loop.
Or have an option where users could select which telemetry data was sent. You folks could calculate the BW and not allow the addition of additional items if the BW was exceeded. I've never been able to get RX voltage to work. I'd glady toss that out for number of locked sats.