Thank you for your quick answer.
I'm changing bank 0 (coax) to bank 1 (rescue) with the momentary switch on my DX7g2.
The switch is assigned to ch7 an the signal goes from +100 to 0.
While trying differtent adjustment go keep the tail in "rescue" from turning I must have created different data for bank 0 and 1.
I will even out these different adjustments:
Limits - Pitch Range 140/160 to 140 for both banks.
Sensor - Rotation Speed - Rudder 6/8 to both 6
Advanced - Pirouette Cons. 165/160 to both 165
Advanced - Rudder delay 2/8 to both 4
Governor - Gov.Resp. 5/4 to both 5
If any of those parameters should have a different number for both banks, please let me know.
I'll try the above adjustments today.
One other idea came to my mind:
The Spirit Pro was at least in two other helis and was always just re-programmed, NEVER set to factory level for transfer.
Could there be a problem with this process?