Thank you for the settings.
First I recommend to decrease Pirouette Consistency value to approx. 170. For 450 size heli it is too high. Value between 160 - 175 should be good.
If it is too high, it will cause overshooting and too agressive behavior of the rudder generally.
Then, depending on your servo, I recommend to set Rudder servo frequency to 333Hz - each rudder servo should handle it.
What servo do you use?
Then I can also tell you how to set Rudder Delay.
You can find correct values also in our Servo list here: ... Servo_listIf it is Clockwise rotation, then decreasing Right limit should help. This is where rudder mechanics is usually too strong, because there is too much room for corrections (much more than for the opposite side). You can decrease Right limit to 80.