Yesterday I have to update my good flying KDS 600 V2 because the new Spirit Settings tool on Android didn´t support the old Firmware Version anymore (please make the Android App backwards compatible).
I have a linear pot on the throttle channel and a throttle kill switch to instantly kill the throttle
I did the following steps.
- Disconnect Battery
- Disconnect two phases of the Motor
- connect the USB to Spirit cable
- Connect Battery
- started the old Software
- made a backup from the settings
- started the new software made the update
- load the backup from old spirit fw (ignored the warning)
- switched through all tabs and had a look on the variables all seems like they should
- turned governor off (to learn throttle curve in the ESC)
- saved all in the spirit Bank0 (didn´t use Bank switching)
- disconnect Battery
- made a linear -100%...100% throttle curve in transmitter
- connected all three motor phases to hear the beeps
- set transmitter to 100%
- connect battery
- hear the beeps
- set transmitter to -100%
- hear the beeps
- disconnect battery
- reconnect battery
- started the new software
- turned governor back on
- slow spoolup
- governor performance 4
- holding performance 4
- max headspeed 2200
- other settings like before (gear ratio and sensig divider)
- set transmitter throttle curve to -100...60 like before with FW2.0.2 (60 should be 1760rpm)
- saved all
- disconnect battery
- go to the field
- disconnected two motor phases
- connect battery
- connect with spirit settings on Android
- switch to rpm reading/requested rpm
- set transmitter to 60 throttle
- requested rpm is at 1760rpm like expected
- disconnect battery
- set transmitter to startup settings (throttle -100....)
- connect all three motor phases again
- made startup test (all servos working in the right direction no slip and so on)
- switched motor kill switch (throttle jumps instantly from -100 to 60)
- no spoolup of the motor
- checked the throttle value in the transmitter yes it was 60 like expected and the throttle kill switch set it to -100
- switched motor kill switch (trhottle now -100)
- turned potentiometer down
- switched motor kill switch (throttle -100)
- slowly turned potentiometer high
- motor starts at 50% of throttle (value 0 at my transmitter) governor kicks in
- governor spool up very very high (sounds like it gives 100% throttle to the ESC)
- killed motor with kill switch because 100% throttle is like 2500rpm much to high for my blades and everything
- go to the spirit settings app (android) and looked if all parameters are like they should
- go to rpm readings/rpm requested
- turned potentiometer down
- switched kill switch (throttle -100 but potentiometer on)
- turned potentiometer slowly up motor spins up with very low rpm
- no readings of rpm (is rpm reading active when the governor is not engaged (below 50% throttle))
- disconnected app
- turned potentiometer higher so that the sound is like before when the heli is flown
- take off
- everything is shaking on nick and roll
- motor kill
- landing in autorotion (shaking goes down after motor kill)
- go home and wrote this post the next morning
My questions:
Is rpm reading active when the governor is not engaged (below 50% throttle)?
If so then my rpm sensor is bad and the behavior of the governor was right (spool up to 100% throttle because there is no rotation measured).
Is there a way to get the old Spirit Settings app for android so that I could stick on FW 2.0.2? Because the Heli was great with that firmware.
So this is a very large post
thank you in advance.