Weird numbers you guys have.
I have a protos max v2, align 855 tail servo (12kg, 0,03 sec at 8,4V, but im runnig it from 7.5V so it is slower and weaker) tail ratio on the protos is 4,8 and im running rail 116 blades withrapid 710 mains at 1950-2050 rpm.
Tail multiplier is 1,3 tail gain is 70%, piro consistency 200, delay 0, tail dynamic 6, Revomix, or tail precomp 0.
No matter what i do with it, no wag, and the tail is rock solid, stops are really hard, tail barks, no bounce back at all. Literally. (FW 2.0)
Try delay 0, and increase piro cons to 190.
This is my protos with the setting above, but with 760 blades, at 1850 rpm, with 760 blades at slower headspeed the tail is not as agressive, but as you can see it holds great. And with 700 blades around 2000 rpm, it goes really agressive, i like it.