velocity90 wrote:
The manual end points are needed if you use the gov. Not you learn the endpoints properly.
Not true, actually... that's depending on the ESC.
In all cases, first thing is to change the TX range to have the Diagnostic screen correct.
If the ESC can calibrate to the signal (the ones which you initiate with stick up, wait beeps, lower stick, and so on), you don't need to use the Spirit "min and max" manual endpoints.
But if the ESC is one of those that require you to change the signal range to match the ESC (like Castle Creations), then you need to do that procedure using the Spirit min and max, regardless of you using the Governor or not.
There is also another scenario, if you use a full receiver and throttle does not go through Spirit, of course the Spirit min and max are useless, there's no Diagnostic screen involved and you do the range changes in the TX.