I'm a little confused too. The manual states:
It is possible to measure vibrations in three separate axes:
Y – aileron axis
Z – rudder axis
X – elevator axisMost resources that I've seen on helicopters identify the axes based on a rotation about each axis. This is from OpenTx for example:
Aileron (roll)
Elevator (pitch)
Rudder (yaw)So if you move the rudder, the heli yaws to the left or right, or rotates about the vertical axis of the heli, which is Z. If you move the aileron, the heli rolls left or right, or rotates about the long axis (nose-tail), which according to the Spirit manual is Y. If you move the elevator, the heli pitches up or down, or rotates about the short axis (left-right), which must be X.
Most pictures that I've seen of heli coordinate systems, however, define aileron as X and elevator as Y. So my questions are:
1. Do the X and Y axes in the Spirit manual correspond to pitch and roll, respectively?
2. Is the vibration analyzer in the unit reporting vibration along the axis (translational), or vibration around that axis (rotational)?
A picture showing the coordinate system might be worth a thousand posts!