There is nothing different for years in the Servo Travel Correction.
The problem could be in different Bank settings if used - for example different Collective Pitch Range for each bank.
And also some enabled feature such as Anti-Gravity.
On the other hand if you need to use this feature to achieve identical collective pitch for +/- then with the most models it mean the base configuration is not perfect.
The difference is present, because 0° is not set correctly, where your servo arms are really in the center.
First it is needed to adjust all servo arms to be in the center and at the same time swashplate is perfectly level and at the same time there is 0° between main blades - all this when Subtrim (tuning) is enabled.
Only once this is correct, you can achieve identical angles for both sides. Then servo travel correction is not needed.
So I recommend to verify Subtrim (tuning) first.
Also you can verify that collective pitch channel is showing identical value in the Diagnostic tab for both sides.
Here is guide that will make the settings perfect: ... tive_Pitch