On the channels dialog, there's only 6 available entries for functions to be set. Please increase this to 10.
At the moment, i'm using 4 for GeoLink, and 1 for rescue, and I use the last one for tuning.
With the release of spirit v3.4.0 firmware, it's possible to set stabilisation using functions, however there are not enough free F: slots to be of any use to me, which is a real shame as i'd like to enable rescue and stabilised flight modes from switches.
My radio has 16 channels (opentx/edgetx), I use 6 channels for control (T,A,E,R, gain, pitch), and would like to use the other 10 channels for functions.
Also, please consider implementing a different method for setting up features. In the radio, channel overrides are required to set up different features on switches, which just seems like a really bad way to program a radio.
To set up GeoLink, I needed to program 8 different channel-overrides just to allow RTH, pos hold and auto-land.
A mix system similar to "iNav" where a feature is assigned a channel, or channels + the channel position range, would (imho) be so much easier to program and maintain from a user perspective. Channel overrides would then not be required. Much less radio programming would be required, making it much easier to maintain.
It would also allow a single switch to enable multiple features at the same time, e.g. altitude limit + return to home, etc.
See an example here:
https://mrd-rc.uk/images/taranis/inav-5 ... -modes.png