We have tested FW 3.4.1 with the "Altitude Limit" Function and the new method of activating it is very cumbersome, the Barometer does not have more precision either, even activating it in that mode at the desired height! Even with the value " Triggering Accelaration" at cero !! It catch the Heli in a lot of situations to earliy !
Before, the minimum height was set in the Software, and it was activated in flight regardless of what height it was at. Now every time when activates, you have to lower the Heli to activate it.
With the problem that you have to hover close to the ground, which is dangerous, a Pilot panicked because the minimum height had not been activated, but the problem that was activated later in the flight without warning,
he panicked because he had NO control over the Heli durin climbing!
It's all more dizzying than before! Also with the annoying problem that it does not activate for the first try,
you have to make several attempts to get it hooked. Once activated, the Heli climbs upwards about 15 meters, and the people who are watching it , think what the Hell it is doing all the time!?? Also looks primitive.
WE propose; Put the two options in the software, User's whoever likes the current methode one better than choose it, and use'rs who like setup the minimum height better in the software, as it has been possible before until now, choosing this.