I was just at the field. Flying in controlled circles. With about 2 mins left on the pack (full pack is 4 mins), I then placed the heli into a hover about 50ft up. I was piro'ing slowly when I lost orientation and the heli started to drift, so I hit rescue.
The heli immediately levelled the disc but at the same time, it applied negative pitch and smashed straight in to the ground, skids first.
The heli was drifting tail-first at about 20 degrees when i hit rescue, skids down. Rescue must have thought i was upside down?!
This was not the 1st rescue of the day. I'm not good at flying so use it quite a bit. Its rescued me several times today, including one that was upside down, it gained height, then flipped back skids down. Fantastic.
I used rescue earlier in the flight, and that worked correctly, but this last time, not so lucky. FBL rescue thought I was upside down.