I will leave this thread here in case anyone else has the same issue - it looks extremely likely that my issue was caused by insufficient BEC power causing the Rx / Spirit resetting when I flicked the rescue switch. Hopefully no-one else will have this problem.Apologies for the duplication - but I posted this on Helifreak and was wondering if anyone here has any ideas ....
I was out yesterday flying a couple of packs, and at the end of the second pack (with about a minute left) it was just starting to get a bit dusky so I had been taking it easy and came in to a hover about 20 feet up, and I thought I would just play around for the last minute. I was in an upright hover, flicked the switch to enable Rescue and the heli flipped upside down and plowed into the ground - I managed to hit TH on the way down to minimise damage.
I went over to the heli to survey the mess - bent boom, stripped main gear, bent mainshaft and feathering shaft, lost rudder rod, broken servo arm. Before I unplugged, I flipped out of rescue and tried doing pitch pumps to see how the servos were moving - the elevator servo was moving "reversed" - down for positive pitch and up for negative (though the other two were moving fine). I flipped into / out of rescue a few times and tried again and the servos were all moving properly.
I'm pretty certain that it initialised properly, and it was flying very nicely before I flipped the rescue switch.
It's a T450 Pro, Savox 0257 cyclic servos and a DS520 on the tail, running a DX7 with an AR6115 Rx.
It Piro-ed perfectly - very flat and stationary actually (very impressed) - so I am confident that Piro-comp is correct.
I always power my helis up as flat as possible (it is on a field so might be slightly off), and never touch them during intialisation (been flying FBL for 4 years). In fact if they wobble during intialisation I will unplug it, move it to somewhere more stable and re-power.
I've done about 20 - 25 flights with the Spirit on, and flipped into Rescue about 15 times (not in anger, just testing) from both upright and inverted and it had been perfect every other time.
original post
http://www.helifreak.com/showthread.php?t=645599&If it would help I will happily send the Spirit back so that you can check the settings / logs etc. - just hoping to understand what went wrong so that I can rebuild my confidence in it or change my usage if I am doing something wrong...