Hi everybody,
i have some problems in understanding the dual rate function and also about the traveling range of servos. Let me explain to you where my doubts are coming from...
Yesterday i wanted to add some dual rate (dx9) because my quite new goblin 380 was to fast and agile for me. The interesting thing was that i had to reduce dual rate down to 30% to see some effect (dx9 dual rate is from 0% - 125%). Of course now my first thought was that i configured something wrong in the spirit regarding servo travelling and so on.
Now i checked the settings:
In the diagnostic tab everything seems to be ok. Aileron and elevator are at 0% and at maximum stick movement at -100% and 100%. But after some tests i had the strong suspicion that for roll and nick the maximum movement of my swash plate was reached at maybe 2/3 of stick movement. which means the last 1/3 of stick movement the swash plate would be already on its maximum (which would explain my fast and agil goblin^^).
Proving my suspicion:
To do that i went to "limits" and activated "cyclig ring (tuning)" to deactivate the stabilisation. I did 0% pitch and tested my roll and nick. And it was as i expected. After 2/3 of stick movement the swash plate was at maximum deflection (The cyclig ring (tuning) setting itself is configured correct, so no problem there).
What i did now is reducing the servo traveling range at the transmitter(dx9) for roll and nick i had to reduce it from 100 to 63 to have maximum swash plate deflection at maximum stick movement. So far so good but of course now in the diagnostick tab i have only 63% at maximum stick movement which is not the recommended value refering to the manual.....
So what i need now is some explanation..... is it ok what i did? is it normal behavior? alternative solution?
Thank you very much