Spirit System

Cyclic ring 20 degrees?
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Author:  Konrad [ Fri 29. Nov 2024 14:31:07 ]
Post subject:  Cyclic ring 20 degrees?

I can set the cyclic ring to 20 degrees without mechanical problems when pitch is set to +/- 13 degrees.
I doubt that this makes sense aerodynamically. The motor would probably be overloaded at such a high angle of attack and the airflow on the rotor blade would possibly break off. Should I still set the cyclic ring to the maximum possible value?

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Tue 03. Dec 2024 11:15:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cyclic ring 20 degrees?

It should be set to a maximum possible angle that the manufacturer permits for the model. 20° is way over capability of the most models even if mechanics will allow it. It can cause boom strike with a bigger models.

10 - 12° are fine for the most pilots. Please dont forget that when collective pitch and cyclic pitch are maxed out, it could achieve 30° easily.

Author:  Konrad [ Thu 12. Dec 2024 19:58:27 ]
Post subject:  Re: Cyclic ring 20 degrees?

The same question arises for the tail rotor blades. The mechanical limits allow angles of attack for the tail rotor blades that are probably much too high. I currently have 35° on the right (against rotor torque) and 19° on the left. The asymmetry is due to stop behavior. Mechanically, +/- 40° and more would be possible, but that seems too much to me. Would you agree?
I suggest that the tuning tips in the manual be supplemented with information on the meaningful limits.

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