Spirit System

Governor not working
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Author:  raceboy1 [ Wed 27. Nov 2024 23:14:53 ]
Post subject:  Governor not working

I’ve got 3 Electric Heli’s using the Spirit GT, but on those I’m using the ESC for the governor I just finished setting up a SAB 580 Niteo Using an Xguard Backplate sensor If I go to the Governor page in Spirit I can see that it’s reading the RPM’s correctly and it also shows the correct Requested Speed , from the % I put in the transmitter (flat line) But it just wants to run the motor Wide Open If I open up the Logs there’s no indication the the Governor was ever engaged Sensor Divider is set to 1 Gear ratio is 8.0 Have the max head speed set at 2,300
And the Gov check box is checked
I see other people on Helifreak are using the Xguard Backplate sensor with no problems
So what am missing ???

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Thu 28. Nov 2024 8:25:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working


the problem could be in how you are spooling up the motor to requested headspeed.

Recommended way is to:
1. Start the motor with Throttle Curve set for Idling.
2. Set Throttle Curve to a flat above 55%.
3. Let Spirit Governor to spoolup for you, not to use a curve and then switch governor On.

Author:  raceboy1 [ Thu 28. Nov 2024 14:30:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working

Here's what I had as far as throttle curves

Max Headspeed at 2300

Normal 8-25-55-55-55
ID1 82-82-82-82-82 ( for 1900 rpm)
ID2 95-95-95-95-95 ( for 2200 rpms)

You guys make a nice product, but most of the complaints that I read on different forums is related to the Governor. I'm coming over from Ikon and there Governor is flawless.
You just type in a requested Head speed without having to do all the calculations . would be nice if you adapted that approach.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Thu 28. Nov 2024 14:37:13 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working

Please set Normal to a flat curve as well to allow Idling only. Then switch to ID1/ID2 directly.

With Spirit Wave you can actually set RPM directly for each flight mode. The issue with other radios is if you want lets say 5 head speeds you can't set them (with Ikon for example). So this is the only way how to be not limited and have no need to always open settings of the FBL unit - in other words you can set HS at any moment and how many you wish with Spirit even if using Governor.

Author:  raceboy1 [ Thu 28. Nov 2024 22:02:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working

Ok, I hear what your saying but my problem is that when I switch to ID1 or 2 it,s not stopping at the head speed I calculated. It’s over running it
Now the problem may be is all of my tests were done on the bench ( without blades)
Now that my change once I take it outside with the blades on
But, it should be controlling the rpm’s in either case
And it’s not

Author:  raceboy1 [ Thu 28. Nov 2024 22:10:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working

Could the normal throttle curve that I have above be messing it up ??
And also you say set a straight line idle curve then switch to id1
Is this what you want. Normal=. 8-8-8-8-8
And if that’s correct. Why would my previous above curve be screwing up the governor when IU 1 is a straight line above 60%
Just trying to understand how the Spirit is programmed to work

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Fri 29. Nov 2024 11:39:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working

Yes, you understand correctly. This is absolutely needed and required for correct operation.

During spooling up the correct motor control is calculated and from this target speed is measured.
If you will go above 50% Then this will request governor to be started on but at that time headspeed could be higher than what Governor expect.

In other words you do not have to spoolup manually. Only flat throttle curves are needed. Same apply for Electric models.

Author:  raceboy1 [ Fri 29. Nov 2024 16:52:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working

OK, i tried it your way and with my Normal mode at say 60% flat line, the governor DOES engage ( once I flip out of Throttle Hold) and hold the correct RPM's
And when I switch to ID1 or ID2 they also hold the RPM's correctly

But here's my delemina . I'm using Spektrum IX12 and I only have three modes . Normal, ID 1 and ID 2
I use Throttle Hold set at say 14% to get my Nitro Engine running. Which works well once the engine has some Temperature in it.
But on cold mornings I most likely have to give the engine a little bit of extra throttle in order to get it running.
With a Flat Line of say 60% in my normal mode that makes it very dangerous of have those blade spool up on the bench.
I tried doing a throttle curve of 1-60-60-60-60 . but with this, the governor doesn't hold the speed correctly

Any suggestions

Author:  ExCCHP [ Fri 29. Nov 2024 18:34:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working

Not sure on your IX12 but on the NX8 & NX10 you can program in a 4th flight mode.
Unfortunately I am away at work and not near my Tx and can't remember off hand how this was accomplished but worth looking onto

Author:  raceboy1 [ Fri 29. Nov 2024 20:47:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Governor not working

Never mind I've got it figured out.
When it's cold I'll just change the Normal Mode to like 0-25-50-70-70
That way I have Throttle Control by the Stick
After It's warmed up Ill just go back to a Flat Line curve and use my Throttle Hold

I do appreciate you answering my question thou

My plan is to now change the other Heli's over to your system, One of them is a WhipLash Gasser with a Zenoah engine. DO you anticipate any problems in putting the Spriit GT on the Gasser

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