Spirit System

What means deactivation of throttle channel for AUX2-Output
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Author:  Mattes61 [ Sat 07. Sep 2024 12:43:46 ]
Post subject:  What means deactivation of throttle channel for AUX2-Output

I have an question to the AUX1-Channel, if I remember right this channel will have the same frequency (PCM) as the throttle channel (60HZ) - On the AUX1 channel I have an 1st Buffer-Pack 50F V4.81 to have an additional safety for autorotation or some faults of the bec... - my problem is since I have deactivated the throttle-channel in the spirit unit itself this output didn't work anymore to deactivate the buffer pack after landing -
In my new configuration my throttle-channel is in the FBUS-Receiver (Archer R8 PRO) itself mounted directly - what can I do that it will work again ? Must there be an update that that will work independent of the throttle-channel of the spirit ?

Thanks for the help !

Best regards

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 07. Sep 2024 15:17:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: What means deactivation of throttle channel for AUX1-Out


you have to use AUX2 port, not AUX1.
AUX1 is used always for throttle normally.
You can set F: Output to AUX2 in the Channels window and assogn it to a free channel.

Author:  Mattes61 [ Sat 07. Sep 2024 19:32:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: What means deactivation of throttle channel for AUX2-Out

Hello Tomas,
sorry I had this wrongly remembered !
I have putted the buffer into Aux2 not Aux1, sorry for the incorrect information - But as said it doesn't work like before -
As I used the Aux1 for the throttle-channel (channel 1) all worked gerat -
The only thing what changed after that was the throttle-channel in the Archer R8 Pro and the deactivation of the throttle-channel in the spirit GT - If I activate the throttle-channel in the spirit I see in the channel window of the AUX2-channel changeing from "0" to "1" but I had not tested yet if it will work then...
I even don't know if I get some problems if I let the channel 1 (throttle) in Spirit activated, bacause the throttle-channel is now active in the Archer R8 Pro (channel 3-Output of the Archer R8 Pro) - In FrSky is the throttle-channel, channel 3 - this works as expected - also in failsafe -
Have you any idea what that can be or any solution that it will work again?

Best regards

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 11. Sep 2024 15:05:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: What means deactivation of throttle channel for AUX2-Out


it does not matter where Throttle (ESC) is connected. Spirit unit or receiver can't distinguish which port is used.

The only reason why it does not work could be that output frequency is too high for buffer pack. Please check that Throttle has set 60Hz in the Spirit Settings software.
Also please verify that Throttle is assigned (even that it is not used).

You can simply check with any servo if AUX2 port is doing what you wish.

Channel numbers will not match between Spirit and FrSky (even that it is actually same channel). This is not a problem.

Author:  Mattes61 [ Fri 13. Sep 2024 14:21:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: What means deactivation of throttle channel for AUX2-Out

Hello Tomas,
thanks for your help !
Now it works like it should (like before) !
The frequency was correct at 60Hz in the throttle-channel -
The thing that changed it, was to activate the throttle-channel in the Spirit back again -
As done, the deactivation of the buffer-pack works as before -

That means if you want use the Aux2 Output you must have activated the throttle-channel in the Spirit, otherwise the AUX2-Output will not work, as you said correctly-

Shouldn't this info somehow be permanently pinned up if someone has the same problem?

Best regards

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