Spirit System

Rescue problem in inverted flight
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Author:  GunnarH [ Wed 07. Aug 2024 15:22:28 ]
Post subject:  Rescue problem in inverted flight

Unfortunately I had a strange phenomenon with the Spirit GTR last weekend. When testing the rescue function (acro) in inverted flight, the rescue
worked correct but after the rescue no control commands were accepted. Another acro rescue then worked again, but once the rescue was over, no
control commands were accepted again. The rescue worked in normal flight and afterwards any commads were accepted (I tested that at the beginning of that flight).
The whole thing ended when, after the helicopter drifted away in inverted flight, I switched off the engine and the helicopter then crashed. :evil:
The rescue worked
in normal flight and afterwards any commads were accepted
Is there an explanation for this behavior that no commands are accepted?
The Heli was 550 class, Sprit had the 3.6.2 software and I am flying with a Jeti DC 16 with the corresponding Jeti Integration. With that System
I had round about 50 flights without any problems, even with the rescue-function. The only difference was the inverted flight.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sun 11. Aug 2024 7:40:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rescue problem in inverted flight


it seems that when Rescue is engaged your BEC will overload and electronics is restarting in the air.

When inverted then BEC load could be significantly higher - especially with Rescue (Normal).
Please verify that your model can pass BEC test.
Also make sure your mechanics is not binding with negative collective pitch + full deflection of cyclic in any direction.

Are you using 2 BEC leads?
If using very old Align ESC the BEC could be not suitable for Rescue. Using additional capacitor could resolve the problem, but is not the best solution.

Author:  GunnarH [ Sun 11. Aug 2024 17:10:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Rescue problem in inverted flight

thank you for the explanation, that would explain the strange behavior of the fbl-unit. I will test the BEC and check it. I use a YGE 95LVT ESC, it actually has a very strong BEC an yes I use two cables for the BEC-power. The swashplate servos are Theta THM988 servos. What happens if the GTR initializes with a negative pitch?

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