Spirit System

[SOLVED] Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver
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Author:  kaidok [ Fri 05. Jul 2024 16:23:26 ]
Post subject:  [SOLVED] Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver

After trying to follow the spirit website/ docs i just cant seem to figure out how to wire the RP3-H to the spirit gt. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Author:  DiMa63 [ Sun 07. Jul 2024 5:50:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver


please try following:

    1. Power on the RP3-H and wait a minute. The RP3-H should be in the wifi mode
    2. Connect via wifi to the RP3-H. Use
    3. Select SBUS or Inverted SBUS in Serial Protocol. I'm not sure which variant will work with the Spirit-GT
    4. Save it and power off the RP3-H

After these steps the RP3-H should send a s-bus signal over the tx pin. You must connect the tx line with the RUD-Pin of the Spirit and it should work.

Addendum: The new version 3.7.0 supports CRSF and it should work w/o changes. Hopefully this will help you https://manual.spirit-system.com/index. ... sFire_CRSF

Author:  kaidok [ Sun 07. Jul 2024 17:18:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver

Ok, i will try and report back. Thank you!

Author:  kaidok [ Sun 07. Jul 2024 21:08:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver

Ok so i tried every protocol, that i could at that ip address for ELRS. I can get it to bind but i have no signal to my servos. There are 4 wires coming from RP3-H, red(+), black(-), white(TX), green(RX). the only wires that seem to work are the red and black in the RUD port and that powers the receiver. No matter how or what combination of TX to RUD or other and the servos just will not work. Yes i did setup Spirit for the Crossfire option and i tried forever. Also the doc page in Spirit docs you linked doesn't help at all, i appreciate the help but that page doesn't even come close to how this receiver hooks up. Thanks!

Author:  kaidok [ Tue 09. Jul 2024 20:00:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver

Anything else i could try?, nothing has worked this far. Thanks!

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 10. Jul 2024 15:42:40 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver


the only issue could be in RX/TX. If these pins are configured properly at the receiver then it should work.
Some customer had success with the same receiver where telemetry worked as well. I will ask him.

Author:  DiMa63 [ Fri 12. Jul 2024 18:42:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver


Is it sure that the connectivity between Tx and Rx is established?

How do you try to do a binding between Tx an Rx? With the Binding Phrase it should be an easy going. If both Tx and Rx have the same Binding Phrase you have nothing to do. It's an automatically process.
To make it more secure you should use model match as well.

For a better help it's good to know, how familiar you are with ELRS in general and what do you can do to verify the rx.

Author:  kaidok [ Mon 29. Jul 2024 5:44:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver

I am familiar with ELRS, i have the micro ranger on the tx16s that i had used with rotorflight and the flydragon f722. Binded fine and flew the heli. Wanted to stay with Spirit because i like Spirit and it works well but wanted to get away from using an SRXL2 and get more into the Radiomaster ecosystem. As far as i can tell the RP3-H did bind, the light was steady and if i tried to turn off TX it would say receiver still connected. I tried inverted and CRSF, SBUS all the options as well as passphrase with and without as well as using receiver id or not and never could get servos to respond. I'm sure it's something silly but it's smarter then me i guess. I ended up going back to the SRXL2 for now until i can see what or if something is put out there showing the wiring and then maybe i can get it. Thanks!

Author:  kaidok [ Mon 29. Jul 2024 6:01:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver

Do i have to have Channel 5 for arming for ELRS? If so, i didnt, could this be why?

Author:  DiMa63 [ Mon 29. Jul 2024 18:54:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Spirit GT with RP3-H receiver

As far as i know, channel 5 (Arming) is only necessary for systems such as RF2. However, they recommend using channel 5 for arming, even if you don't need it.
What I don't understand is that none of the other protocols work in conjunction with the Spirit. You should have seen at least one movement in the Spirit software (Diagnostic - Tab).

As for the wiring, you can't go too far wrong. To generally check whether it works, I would first choose a protocol that has been known in the Spirit for some time and has been proven to work, e.g. SBUS. There are precise specifications for this in the documentation. So connect the TX line from the RP3-H to the RUD pin on the Spirit and check both variants (inverted and non-inverted). You should be able to see something in the diagnostics tab or receiver channel mapping window.

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