Spirit System

[SOLVED] Motor will not start
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Author:  rlclemmons [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 16:43:49 ]
Post subject:  [SOLVED] Motor will not start

I've replaced a vbar from my gaui x3 with the spirit fbl. Heli was fully operational on vbar.
I've got signal on all of the channels in the diagnostic screen. My motor just beeps constantly...beep beep beep.
The esc will only arm when I connect to the spirit software in windows, which is strange. Help!

Gaui X3
Hobbywing v3 platinum 50a esc
Spektrum DSMX sats
Spektrum DX6 (2014) TX

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 16:47:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

Most probably there is nothing strange.

You have to only recalibrate your ESC, because throttle range is different between Spirit and Vbar.
Alternatively you can use subtrim in your TX for throttle range to match old throttle range.

Author:  rlclemmons [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 17:08:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

It seems the spirit is only outputting the throttle signal when I launch diagnostic menu. I've managed to calibrate by powering up with the throttle stick high and opening the diagnostic menu, then bringing the stick down low.

Motor will still not arm when not connected to spirit settings.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 17:18:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

I am afraid, but Spirit settings does not affect throttle channel at all.

What can make the difference is when you are doing save.
If you see throttle channel in the diagnostics tab (and it is moving) when Hold is inactive, then it should work.

ESC is probably beeping, because throttle value is too high or our of range. Did you heard accept tones when you have made recalibration?

Was binding process of the satellite performed with the unit?

Author:  rlclemmons [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 17:25:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

Yes, binding was completed with bind plug was in the sys port. Esc throttle on aux port. Power on the helicopter, motor just beeps. Open spirit settings, connect to unit. Click on another tab and the esc will arm. If not connected to spirit settings, it beeps endlessly.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 17:35:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

That is very strange.

Please check orientation of the cables in the unit. It seems that something is wrong.
Did you changed channel mapping somehow?

When ESC is armed, does it work correctly then?
Is throttle channel moving correctly in the diagnostics tab?

Author:  rlclemmons [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 17:36:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

Yes, the heli will spool up properly when connected to spirit settings only. The controls are all fine, esc just will not arm.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 17:49:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

I have never heard about similar problem, technically there is no reason for this behavior.

Can you take a photo of the unit with connected ESC/servos, please? Maybe I can see something wrong there.
Also what firmware version do you have in the unit?


Author:  rlclemmons [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 17:50:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

So I went into the backup tab and did a save, it asked to save settings to spirit then save a file to hdd. It seems to have solved my issue.

I'm not sure what I missed here, but at least I can fly it now. -After finishing setup of course.


Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 28. Mar 2015 18:04:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not start

Huh. That is even more strange.

But if we are talking about saving the settings to the unit (not to the PC), then there is possibility.
If you do not save the settings to the unit, then latest (unsaved) changes are lost when you unplug the battery.

So maybe there was the problem.

Great it works now.

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