Yes it's strange as I mention before, the Heli with 3.41 and V1 was all fine,
with the update to 3.42 comes the moves, and not only with the V2.
By the way, I observed that our Flying Friends flight much more with confidence,
and Risk a lot of more than before, already save a lot of Helis from a brutal crash !!!!
ZeXx86 wrote:
covering laser opening will cause difference in airflow in the enclosure. Airflow difference will cause different pressure readings.
Laser will not change behavior above 1 meter at all. So the difference will affect barometer and all changes are very likely result of this.
We are trying to find what could be different, because for the most pilots we found the latest 3.4.2 helpful.
Because of better weather we can do more testing. So it is possible that next week we can have new update with additional improvements.
GeoLink 1.3.1 update is recommended for all in any case.