Spirit System

pyro consistency and rudder delay
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Author:  ditonics [ Thu 12. Mar 2015 1:40:41 ]
Post subject:  pyro consistency and rudder delay


I am having a few tail issue.
Can you let me know the ideal way to determine the optimal values for pyro consistency and rudder delay.

I have a goblin 700 that seems to have a vague tail hold and it drifts some what in backwards flight when pushed through a loop, also in fast forward flight it has a high frequency tail wag.

I have tried pyro consistency from 165 - 215, rudder delay is set to 0 on an align 750 servo at 7.4v, the servo arm is set to SAB recommended length. Tail end stops are correct and the tail neutral is set with virtually no drift when tested with head holding turned off. I cannot turn the gain up with out the wag worsening and if I turn it down the talk become less locked in. I run the head speed from 1950 to 2200, the problems are there with both speeds.


Author:  ZeXx86 [ Thu 12. Mar 2015 12:21:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: pyro consistency and rudder delay


is your Goblin new or it flew previously?
I know that tail on new goblin is not very smooth and it takes at least couple flight when it will work better.

All in all I recommend to check mechanics, there must be no binding, push rods should move very smoothly.

What rudder end-points have you configured? Putting ball linkage closer to the center of rudder servo may help.
For Goblin 700 piro consistency between 175 to 190 should work good. Rudder delay for your servo should be fine around 0.

Are you sure that unit is mounted perfectly aligned to the frame? Rudder shouldn't drift at all in heading hold mode, but it can blow out if tail efficiency is not high enough or rudder end-points are too low. Important is one closer to the "boom".

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