Spirit System

help getting tail locked
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Author:  djhandz [ Sat 07. Mar 2015 20:26:58 ]
Post subject:  help getting tail locked

Hi i am having isues getting my tail locked. This is on a compass 7hvu. The tail will blow out when coming down from a backwards loop. My piro consistency is up at 195 i wasnt sure how high i could go. Rudder multipler is at 1.3 and the gyro gain is around 70 servo bls251 rudder delay 0 everything else stock. Upping my piro consistency helped alot can i go higher ?? Thanks guys

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sat 07. Mar 2015 20:35:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: help getting tail locked


rudder blow out is caused by too low tail limits or mechanical limits so the rudder can't counteract so big force.
With compass there may be even opposite issue, when limits are too high and rudder blades are nearly at 90° which is very, very high.
There should be approx max. 35° blades angle.

Your piro consistency is quite high, so I don't recommend to increase it more.
Does the rudder hold correctly except you can see blow out? If so, then there is only such problem with limits.

What are your rudder limits (end-points)?

Author:  djhandz [ Sat 07. Mar 2015 21:01:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: help getting tail locked

Yeah i would say its just blow outs i am not sure what my limits are and max blade angle i will look and report back thanks

Author:  Jman841 [ Sat 07. Mar 2015 22:59:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: help getting tail locked

What tail blades are you using? The Compass heli's have a TON of throw, however, after a certain point more throw does nothing to help hold the tail. To increase tail hold there are really only 2 options at that point.

1. Spin the tail faster (Higher HS or higher tail ratio)

or 2. Larger/bigger tail blades.

If you can fit thicker, or longer tail blades that may help with the issue, just don't go too big or you will loose resolution.

Also, if using plastic tailblades you could try CF ones for more hold as well.

This is all assuming your tail servo is up to the task.

Author:  djhandz [ Sat 07. Mar 2015 23:19:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: help getting tail locked

I am using kbdd 115mm i only fly 1800rpm so the lowish headspead wont be helping matters much. Dont get me it still flies well just noticed a few tail blow outs today but it was very windy

Author:  djhandz [ Sun 08. Mar 2015 2:57:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: help getting tail locked

My rudder limits are 145 each way that gives me nearly all the available travel on the pitch slider. Just Backed off a few mm from tail box and hub as described in the compass manual

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sun 08. Mar 2015 20:01:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: help getting tail locked

Thanks for the info. So your limits are changed and tested or you will be testing it now?

Author:  djhandz [ Sun 08. Mar 2015 20:34:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: help getting tail locked

Moved the ball out my limits are 130 each way tail seems to be holding much better. Loving how the spirit flies managed to get a fair few flights in this weekend on my 7hv and 700e dfc spirit on both. First real flight session since having these units and am well happy with how they perform. Only one more to get now for 600e dfc

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Sun 08. Mar 2015 21:33:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: help getting tail locked

Thank you very much for the info! I am glad for your report. In case of any question feel free to ask.

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