ZeXx86 wrote:
gjhernandez wrote:
I have just received my brand new Spirit GT! Thanks!
I have a question:
Is there a way to combine the automatic rescue with stabilization?
I mean: fly with stabilization, but if go down below the minimum altitude trigger auto rescue?
Because right now I see that Automatic rescue is under STABI tab, but with no stabilization parameters
rescue mode is rather for these flying in a normal mode.
In case you want to use stabilisation all the time and have rescue to engage automatically it is needed to install Spirit GeoLink module.
With this, it will work. Rescue (Automatic) must be turned off and Altitude Limit function from GeoLink turned On.
It is possible tu use Rescue (Automatic), but not as a guard when flying with Stabilisation mode.
In the future it could be possible.
Hi thank's for the quick reply, I see in the manual that the transmitter switches can be adjust by % for put more functions with one channel?
Also on the transmitter it's only possible with the end point to manage the endpoint travel limits, also I not see the possibily to put two function with one switch ( channel)
Still not works the basic Rescue Pitch mode without GeoLink ( for this I select channel 7 on a self returning switch).
I connect the GeoLink to see how it works and looks good, but with the Stabi Function enable its very dificult to select the options, I like to have this options selectable by diferent switches.
Also it works now I take a channel for the DeoLink Altitude Limit and a other channel for the stabi, but The most
inportant for me , I like to program the Returning Home in case of a Failsafe.
I select the Tail Gyro Gain for the software because I need the channel 5, but I see some funny that I still not understand, why when I adjust in the software the Tail Gyro gain, when I go unther - the swahplates moves up?
What have the tail setup to do with the swashplate?