Spirit System

[SOLVED] Dual rates vs banks
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Author:  andy6409 [ Mon 05. Aug 2019 8:19:57 ]
Post subject:  [SOLVED] Dual rates vs banks

I noticed yesterday that the dual rates on my Trex 500x had no effect on roll/flip speeds which were really slow

I have reset the cyclic ring which I found to be a bit low (8 degree now 11 ) and wonder if my lower rate of 80% was already hitting the limit

My question is am I better off using banks with different flybarless settings over using rates to restrict servo travel


Author:  thestructured [ Tue 06. Aug 2019 6:00:33 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dual rates vs banks

Flip/roll and rudder rates are controlled by what you set in the FBL unit and not your TX. Your TX should have 100% set for rates, and under the sensor tab in the software at the bottom of the screen is where you set your rates in the spirit unit. If you end up setting them too fast and want to slow them down, and don't have a computer or integration set up, you can then reduce your rate % in your TX.

Cyclic ring degrees and rates in your transmitter won't do anything if your rates are set too slow in the spirit unit.

Author:  andy6409 [ Tue 06. Aug 2019 8:51:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dual rates vs banks

Thanks for your reply thestructured
It is the Spirit cyclic ring that I have increased . All TX settings are 100%
There has always been some confusion with this setting where one instruction says to set it to max travel without binding then another saying not to exceed the heli settings which most ( where stated ) are 10-12 degrees . Mine set at 11 is nowhere near max travel
I have also increased some of the flight parameters ( flight style and cyclic roll ) . I won't be able to test fly until Saturday

So if I wanted 2 different flight styles (relaxed or loony ) would I be better off setting 2 banks with different flybarless settings or set to loony in the spirit and reduce servo travel using rates to soften it for relaxed flying

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Tue 06. Aug 2019 10:05:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dual rates vs banks

Cyclic Ring is used only for limiting the servos to not exceed mechanical travel.
Preferably you should use Rotation speed settings in the Sensor tab.
By default it is configured for 8 which should be quite slow.

So even with 100% Dual Rates it will be still very slow. Increasing the number for 10-12 should make a big difference.
Then usage of Dual Rate in your radio can be beneficial. But I recommend never to set Rotation speed above 13.

Cyclic Ring should be at least at 9° for a moderate flip/roll rate. Higher = better, but lower = safer for the model itself.

Author:  andy6409 [ Tue 06. Aug 2019 21:42:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Dual rates vs banks

until now I have been flying all my heli's using default settings but now my flying is getting more adventurous I think I need to experiment more
I assumed that different rates would make a difference to flight characteristics but hadn't realised that I had it so restricted in the spirit settings so different rates had no effect
The 500x seems a lot more docile on basic settings than my logo 600 or 700x do
It's time to playing with banks and different flight styles/rotation speeds I think

I'll definitely have to practice hitting rescue now :lol:

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