Spirit System

Channel are not the same as in the radio. Why?
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Author:  TDFun66 [ Sun 04. Aug 2019 8:39:09 ]
Post subject:  Channel are not the same as in the radio. Why?

I'm confused about the channel mapping.

Graupner MZ32 compared to Spirit Software:

Channel 1 (pitch) <-> Channel 6 (pitch)
Channel 6 (gas) <-> Channel 1 (gas)
The same with channel 5 and 7

I'm using a Graupner GR-16 receicer and SUMD.

Is that normal?

Author:  andy6409 [ Sun 04. Aug 2019 18:28:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Channel are not the same as in the radio. Why?

It's been a while since I set up a model but do remember having to mess with the channels when I switched to MZ32 SUMD.
I use throttle directly off the RX not through spirit so that caused a bit of a headache also

Author:  urgno [ Sun 04. Aug 2019 19:51:42 ]
Post subject:  Re: Channel are not the same as in the radio. Why?

i guess is just a choice of spirit to adhere to spectrum channel mapping
(TAER) instead of futaba (AETR) or other brand mapping

Author:  thestructured [ Mon 05. Aug 2019 4:58:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Channel are not the same as in the radio. Why?

Just click the channels screen and map your channels to the right ones, no problem here.

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