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PostPosted: Tue 29. Nov 2016 18:18:52 

Joined: Tue 29. Nov 2016 17:02:15
Posts: 11
Hi there,
I am new to this forum, so please bear with me if my question sounds like something that has been raised here / answered often. I have found a few hints here already, but no solution, but I am sure someone has solved that issue already.
I am running a Spirit Pro in a Goblin 500 Sport helicopter together with a Jeti DS-14 transmitter / Jeti REX 6 receiver. My transmitter-setup is pretty basic, meaning I have 3 flight modes set on the 3-position switch SA ((1)low rpm / limited pitch range for hovering; (2) medium rpm / symmetric, limited pitch range for speed flying; (3) high rpm / symmetric, full pitch range for 3D). Then there is a spring-loaded switch (SG in my case), which engages the Spirit' rescue mode (normal).
Since I am a beginner I usually only fly / hover around in flight mode (1) and I engage Rescue mode via switch SG if things get out of control ;)
For that kind of setup I do not need bank-switching of the Spirit, since I have set the stabilization mode in the Spirit to "Rescue (normal)" and I trigger the bail-out function through reversing the gain channel by flipping switch SG (e.g. from 55% -> -55%). All that works perfectly fine.

I recently set my Spirit to "Stabilization (normal)" mode and gain permanently to a negative value in order to have stabilization engaged and found that extremely helpful for learning flying circles and similar maneuvers. In order to get the brilliant Rescue function back together with stabilized flying I engaged bank-switching on the Spirit through my transmitter by allocating another channel in my DS-14 to the Spirit banks (bank 0 = stabilization (normal); bank 2 = rescue (normal) -> SG switches from bank 0 to bank 2). That also works perfectly...I can fly in stabilized mode and if the shit hits the fan I can bail out by flipping SG.

However, what I now would like to set up is an additional 3-position switch SX where I can chose between different stabilization modes:
(1) Disabled - Normal (Rate) gyro mode -> positive gain value / bank 0
(2) Stabilization (Normal) -> negative gain value / bank 1
(3) Stabilization (Acro)...or any other stabilization mode -> negative gain value / bank 2

(4) In addition, no matter, which stabilization mode I would chose, spring-loaded switch SG should always engage Rescue (normal) mode.

I know what conditions need to be fulfilled to engage every single mode mentioned above:

(1) Bank 0: Rescue (Normal) / gain value: positive -> Normal (Rate) gyro mode engaged
(2) Bank 1: Stabilization (Normal) / gain value: negative
(3) Bank 2: Stabilization (Acro) / gain value: negative
(4) Bank 0: Rescue (Normal) / gain value: negative -> Rescue (Normal) mode engaged

Has anyone an idea on how to program that in the DS-14 (I do have logical switches available)?

Any help is very much appreciated.

PostPosted: Wed 30. Nov 2016 7:43:46 

Joined: Fri 26. Aug 2016 6:51:10
Posts: 230
Location: Austria
Hi Peter
I think this fashion is sufficient for the beginning, do not make it too complicated!
I have this attitude at all three flight phases! And I fly hard aerobatics and soft 3 D!
1) Bank 0: Rescue (normal) / gain value: positive -> normal (rate) Gyro intervention mode

If the heli is too poisonous to you, then simply put on roll, Nick and Heck EXPO about 20-30 percent, then he will be brave!

A good advice from me, pull the rescue on every flight 1-2 times, even if you have no problems so that you have the button in case of emergency in the head!
Important exercise!
I wish you good luck with practice!
LG Gernot

Greetings from Gernot

PostPosted: Tue 06. Dec 2016 14:16:28 

Joined: Tue 29. Nov 2016 17:02:15
Posts: 11
Hi Gernot,
thank you for your reply, it is very much appreciated.

I am aware of the possibility to add Expo on the cyclic inputs In order to tame the heli around mid-stick position. I actually have some 15% expo added to nick and roll to make things easier for my slow beginner-fingers ;-)

I just want to make use of the advanced stabilization features the Spirit FBL unit offers (in addition to the rescue mode) directly from my transmitter without having to change settings on the FBL via computer / device explorer of my Jeti transmitter.
No worries, I will find out eventually.

Thanks again & best regards,

PostPosted: Tue 06. Dec 2016 14:33:27 
Site Admin

Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
Posts: 12557
Hi Peterst,

we will get DS-14 in the following days/weeks, so I will be able to prepare full profile with all enabled features.
I hope that it is fast enough.

Spirit System developer

PostPosted: Tue 06. Dec 2016 14:39:57 

Joined: Tue 29. Nov 2016 17:02:15
Posts: 11
Hi ZeXx86,

thank you, that would be great!


PostPosted: Tue 06. Dec 2016 21:39:04 

Joined: Sun 22. Nov 2015 17:09:02
Posts: 32

I'm using a DS-14 as well and would also be interested to see your solution :-)


PostPosted: Thu 19. Jan 2017 16:29:00 

Joined: Tue 29. Nov 2016 17:02:15
Posts: 11
Hi there,
did anyone get a chance to play around with logical switches or mixers on a Jeti DS/DC transmitter to solve the question I originally posted on sSpirit stabilisation mode switching (I still have no solution)?

PostPosted: Thu 19. Jan 2017 16:40:14 
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Joined: Thu 01. Jan 2015 13:01:31
Posts: 65
I have it with logical switches.

3 state switch with mode:
Stabilization **
Rescue normal *
Rescue acro *

* Rescue activation with a momentary push button.

** no rescue possible with my solution (not needed in my eyes)

If you like, I can send Screenshots

Goblin 700C Red Carbon, Cool Kosmik 200, Pyro 800-48, MKS X8 HBL 850/880 HV, Spirit-Pro, Jlog2.6GW, GPS-Logger 2
Jeti DS-16 Red Carbon+REX7

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