Spirit System

[SOLVED] Motor will not Run with Spirit
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Author:  abe_79 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 6:04:13 ]
Post subject:  [SOLVED] Motor will not Run with Spirit

Hello everyone and thank you for reading this. I recently completed my assembly of an Oxy 3 Tareq edition. I installed the following electronics:
Tranmitter: Jeti DS-16
Receiver: Jeti Duplex EX R3
Motor: Xnova 2216-4100 6P 4S
ESC/BEC: Kontronik Koby LV 40A
Cyclic Servos: MKS DS95
Tail Servo: MKS DS95i
Battery: Pulse 1350mah 75C 4S
FBL: Spirit
My wiring connections are as follows:
Kontronik esc to Spirit Aux port. Rx is programmed for Ex-bus and one cable connected to port 4 or Ex port. The other end of that cable is split into two connections, one has just the signal wire going to Ele/Ail/Pit on Spirit and the red and brown wire connected to the Rudder port on the spirit. All servo connections are plugged directly into Ch1-4 on the Spirit.
After performing the full setup wizard everything appeared to work as far as all servo adjustments and setup. So I try to to spool up the motor but nothing happens. After extensive troubleshooting, I realize the kontronik esc is not initializing correctly so I disconnect everything and just plug my esc to the Rx on output 1 then plug the battery to the esc and then the kontronik initializes correctly and the motor spools up. So naturally, I figure all is good to go and the connect the spirit back to the receiver leaving the esc plugged into the Rx. Once I plug the battery back into the esc, the esc won't initialize again but the spirit does and all the servos work again, but still no motor. I unplug the battery and remove the ex bus connection and re plug the battery in, now the motor works. So why does the esc only initialize when the spirit is not plugged into the rx? I've tried to research different programming for the Spirit and Kontronik combo but I can't find much. Please help. Thanks

Author:  Coco66 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 6:22:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

Do you have your TX end points configured so that the Spirit Diagnostic tab reads 0 to 100 for throttle channel? It could be it's reversed or that the end points are far off (normal with Jeti).

Did you perform the Koby APM programming while connected through the Spirit (or maybe you did while connected directly to the Receiver)?

Note: not sure if your Koby ESC still calls that "APM", the meaning is that whatever ESC end points configuration should be done with the connection scheme you will use for flying.

Author:  abe_79 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 6:26:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

I programmed the esc while it was plugged directly into my rx and programmed it for mode 4. Also, I did check my end points in the spirit throttle channel and it is programmed for 0 - 100

Author:  abe_79 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 6:39:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

But no matter if I plug the esc to the spirit aux port or the receiver port 1, the esc will not initialize if the spirit is plugged into the ext port. Once I remove the ex bus connection, the esc works and the motor spools up via the transmitter.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 7:26:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

If you are performing calibration, then it is needed to do it with the unit itself.
Now if the throttle range differs a lot between receiver/unit it is very likely, that ESC will never arm due to built-in protection.
Probably it thinks that your throttle signal is high for initialization.

Jeti use signal range 1000-2000ms usually, but Spirit is programmed for 1100 - 1900. So if you set 0% in the unit, it will be at 1100us.
So you can either set the same range in the unit/software or recalibrate the ESC again.

Author:  abe_79 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 18:32:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

After speaking with James from Esprit Model, we are both baffled as to why the spirit does not allow the esc to arm. We connected the esc directly to receiver pin 1 and unassigned a throttle channel in the spirit software so that the spirit software/fbl wouldn't look for a throttle output. We still could not get the kontronik esc to arm. I swapped receivers but was still unsuccessful. The only time i could get the esc to arm with the spirit and rx connected via EX bus was when i completely remove all servos except for the tail servos. If i plugged in any of the cyclic servos, the Spirit would prevent the esc from arming. So he's asked that i send the spirit in to be checked out unless someone can help determine the problem i am having. This unit including all the electronics are new never used.

Author:  Coco66 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 20:48:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

Not clear: did you perform again the Koby calibration (APM) with throttle going through the Spirit, like me and the much more knowledged (being the Spirit programmer) ZeXx86 told you?

Author:  Nade [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 20:59:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

abe_79 wrote:
After speaking with James from Esprit Model, we are both baffled as to why the spirit does not allow the esc to arm. We connected the esc directly to receiver pin 1 and unassigned a throttle channel in the spirit software so that the spirit software/fbl wouldn't look for a throttle output. We still could not get the kontronik esc to arm. I swapped receivers but was still unsuccessful. The only time i could get the esc to arm with the spirit and rx connected via EX bus was when i completely remove all servos except for the tail servos. If i plugged in any of the cyclic servos, the Spirit would prevent the esc from arming. So he's asked that i send the spirit in to be checked out unless someone can help determine the problem i am having. This unit including all the electronics are new never used.

Abc_79, I had the same problem with my Castle Creations Phoenix 160 ESC. It took some time before I finally got the ESC to arm. The key for me was 1st, find out what your transmitter MS range is from low to high stick. This is what the ESC looks for from the Spirit when you are initializing it. Next calibrate your ESC's throttle (if yours can be done) so the ESC knows where high and low stick is on your transmitter. Then providing you "successfully" got that done, make sure the Spirit's throttle setting at low stick is set to "0" or lower if necessary, and the high stick setting is at 100%. Lastly go into the Spirit's software where you can adjust the MS at low and high position and make sure it is within the ESC's MS range. As soon as I made the adjustment to within the ESC's MS range, the motor armed right away.

It is my understanding that once the initial "calibrating" is done in both the ESC and the Spirit, then by matching the MS's on both units, they are in sync and the ESC will then arm the motor.

Hope this helps.

Author:  Coco66 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 21:15:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

Such complicated procedures are not needed when you have an ESC which actually learns from your input (that have a real "calibration").

Adjust your TX endpoints so that Spirit Diagnostic reads 0 to 100, then set your ESC in calibration mode (= APM for Koby), do the calibration... voilá. Now you can set the ESC to the mode you like (Koby Mode 4 in case of the OP), and go flying.

Adjusting the min and max in the Spirit Governor screen (the microseconds values) is supposed to be used for those ESCs who want YOU to adapt to their range. This is not the case with Koby.

Author:  abe_79 [ Mon 24. Oct 2016 21:44:52 ]
Post subject:  Re: Motor will not Run with Spirit

Coco66 wrote:
Such complicated procedures are not needed when you have an ESC which actually learns from your input (that have a real "calibration").

Adjust your TX endpoints so that Spirit Diagnostic reads 0 to 100, then set your ESC in calibration mode (= APM for Koby), do the calibration... voilá. Now you can set the ESC to the mode you like (Koby Mode 4 in case of the OP), and go flying.

Adjusting the min and max in the Spirit Governor screen (the microseconds values) is supposed to be used for those ESCs who want YOU to adapt to their range. This is not the case with Koby.

I adjusted my transmitter as you stated above so the Spirit software would read 0 to 100 then set my esc in APM mode but the Koby will still not arm.I am not trying to use the governor in the spirit as I wish to use the Kontroniks governor so i unchecked the Governor box. I am not sure what else to do.

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