I setup this ESP 500 with the AR8000 and it was flying really well but I decided that I needed an extra channel for lights etc. so replaced the AR8000 with a Spektrum 9020(need 9 channels) and moved the Spirit/ receiver from the conventional position above the boom/gear box onto a extended plate in front ( ie below the battery where the canopy would fit so that it is accessible when in the fuse). HOWEVER since then I've had to 2 rolls, one left and right on take off. Still out the fuse but blades damaged
. Been through setup and connections/ settings as per AR8000 and can't see any issue.
Thinking of moving it back to original position to test maybe vibes or maybe a setting needs to change for the different Rx. Any ideas please Tomas and the brains trust on here.
Thanks again in advance for any help or suggestions.