ok i disabled everything.
Sorry for my english.
Spirit rs with geolink i just tried only limit altitude.
I tried on1 and on2.
maybe I don't understand because of english.
So I ask simple questions.
In this test the board Stabi - Function is set Disabled (I'm trying them all)
disabled.jpg [ 41.96 KiB | Viewed 389 times ]
If i active on1 the model it goes very high and NOT IS NORMAL the helicopter must go up only for 1,5second.
10 meters 20 meters and after I disable it to stop it, because it is too high.
Now if i active limit altitude with on2 i set channel at the minimum possible -9% (below goes off).
In this mode the model gets up of 15meters and after stops and you are control again.
In this mode works well the only problem is that the model goes up 15 meters.
If I return at the altitude where I activated on2 repeats itself, the model goes up 15 meters and then I'm in control.
on2 works well, but it just goes too high the model.
Now I want to show you:
now exit triggering by geolink channel while before during my old tests exit triggering by stabi channel
triggering.jpg [ 150.76 KiB | Viewed 405 times ]
i read the manual but maybe I misunderstand.
If i use on1 my helicopter it should go up 2 or 3 meters and after am I in control again?
and repeats this every time I go under the quota set from the moment I activate the limit altitude?
If i use on2 the only difference is that is adjusted by channel the quote in which it is activated limit altitude?
But during my tests with on2 is activated every time I arrive at the quota in which I activated the function and it means that I misunderstood the manual.
A question but with this update you tried limit altitude of geolink?
Everyone I know they only tried it with the old version.
Surely it's me who's wrong, but where am I wrong?
something is wrong here, please I want at least the automatic rescue, I bought this flybarless for this function.
Please help me i explained the problem
But during f geolink limit altitude in stabi - function what should i activate? (rescue normal, rescue acro, rescue by channel or it must be disabled?) today I tried with disabled and only geolink limit altitude activated.
The question is simply.
Why if I active limit altitude geolink with on1 the model always goes up.
With on1 when it should stop and give you the commands?
My problem it may depend from this parameter too high? (PS remember these tests stabi-functions is set disabled)
rescuecollectivepitch.jpg [ 53.59 KiB | Viewed 397 times ]
The helicopter after activating limit altitude of geolink does it have to get up for 1.5 seconds or gets up based on the value of rescue collective pitch?
This parameter works with on1 and on2?
this time you have understood?Did I write well?