cquillen wrote:
scrambled wrote:
cquillen wrote:
So all internal spool up control in ESC should be turned off and throttle not under 1250us.
How does this fit in when your bird is on the ground ready for first takeoff?
You have to have a different method beside throttle hold to set 0 throttle. Since TH is very low, but still non-zero the ESC will not arm. You can use a normal mode with 0 throttle on low stick. If you don't like that option then most/all radios also have a separate throttle cut feature that's independent from throttle hold. You can use that to set 0 throttle to arm.
Ahh, I can see that work.
However it changes my arming routine, which I can do with my eyes closed.
Sort of second nature.
Changing that is not something I prefer now.
But for practice autos I guess it's the way to go.