Should have knocked on wood.
Problem re-occurred with a violent crash and burn. Thorough loss of my new Goblin 700 and the 14S Revo pack in it.
Replay of first two events. I activated hold immediately this time but did not regain control.
I reviewed all telemetry data from my DS-16, the Spirit log and the Kosmik log (amazing the SD card wasn’t melted). No errors. Nothing to even hint at an explanation of the event.
I completed tuning Spirit and the heli was flying great. Tail tuned perfect, cyclic exactly where I wanted it, rescue working perfect, done. Ready to fly it like I want to, hard.
Last seconds of flight before event, I was doing smooth piro tic-tocs, transitioning into hard aileron tic-tocs when the heli began un-commanded full + collective and full cyclic. Interesting that it was rotating back elevator to left aileron into the ground. It was not just locked into what I had told it last (left/right aileron with mild collective; not full). I hit hold the instant it was out of my control and did not get control back prior to impact like the previous two incidents. If I had been higher and had a little more time, I may have regained control like the previous 2 incidents. No way to save it without control... pretty scary really.
I have reviewed all telemetry data from my DS-16, the Spirit log and the Kosmik log (amazing the SD card wasn’t melted). Nothing to explain the event at all.
- There was no loss of signal between transmitter and receiver, or receiver and Spirit.
- Jeti: Signal quality was 100% at the beginning of the event.
- Spirit: no signal loss until during fire.
- Jeti telemetry highlites during event:
- PWM 100%
- Rx volts dropped to 7.74v
- A1=8, A2=8, Q=100%
- Spirit vibes maxed at 24% at moment of impact
- UBat dropped to 50.4v (3.6v/cell in 14S)
- IBEC amps was 2.5amps during event
- Temp BEC was 122f
- Temp FET was 111f
- REX failsafe was disabled
- REX port E2 connected to Spirit (EX Bus)
- REX port EXT connected to JLog 2.6GW (red wire removed)
So what is left that can possibly influence the flight in this manner (un-commanded full collective and cyclic)?
- Transmitter? I created a new model from scratch after the first two events. No problems with all my other helis.
- Receiver? This is a different REX7 than in the first 2 events. Unlikely 2 devices have same physical defect. Same firmware and it is v1.0. Some defect in firmware responsible?
- Spirit FBL? This Spirit is new and has only been used on this heli.
No errors in log to indicate any problems, but that isn’t really conclusive either.
I reset the Spirit and created a completely new setup from scratch after the first 2 events.
- Cyclic servos (BK8002HV)? If a servo mis-behaved, the Spirit would have tried to keep the disc stable. No way it would have allowed full cyclic with 1 servo going crazy.
- Power to system? Provided by 30amp Kosmik BEC from Master to Spirit and slave to REX. Complimented by TP250mah 2S lipo by 2 servo leads to REX servo ports functioning as backup and buffer. No evidence of any voltage fluctuations (high or low) from REX telemetry data or Kosmik log.
- Static hit? Continuity between tail and motor confirmed for first 2 events. Added an additional grounding wire between boom and frame after first 2 events. No possibility this was static related.
Out of this list of things that could possibly influence/cause this problem, there are only 2 things not eliminated.
- defect in REX firmware
- physical defect in Spirit FBL
New to me with this heli is the use of EX Bus and the configuration of the Spirit Jeti integration. I have UDI configured on all of my other helis.
Very frustrating to lose my heli so completely out of my control with all this data and no leads at all.