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PostPosted: Fri 02. Aug 2019 8:55:24 

Joined: Mon 16. Apr 2018 7:19:02
Posts: 192
Hello everyone
I'm making a bit of confusion in the measurements. In practice and from the photos it is possible to understand so I know, I have two different values, if I measure the pitch according to the position of the practice I want to know in which position of the blades with respect to the tube of queue measures the collective pitch and the pitch of the cyclic.

I ask this question because from the photos we see, that if I measure the collective pitch with blades at 90 with respect to the tail I have 11.4 of pitch,(min and max) if I measure with blades parallel to the tail I have another measure 14 ..min/neg and 9 max/positive.

Then I measured well again with pitch to zero of the collective, and the correct values ​​of the cyclic came out

I ask this question because to have 9-10° degrees cyclical, (I'm sure I measured it well) both with blades parallel to the tail, and at 90 degrees with the tail, and I find myself 9°-9.5° on pitch up and down ,and 10° on ale.

The problem is that to have these coherent cyclic values, I must have the value in the tab limits unit, at 150/18 °.with this last value (150/18°)I have no bindings, the servos work well
I tried to respect all the link quotas in my heli manual, and I was careful to include the 90 °servo arms in the wizard with well centered servos(with subtrim function selected).

Not if this last value(150/18°) is a sum of something is purely indicative, but what matters are the actual measured degrees with the pitch gauge


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Last edited by Pino74 on Fri 02. Aug 2019 11:25:59, edited 1 time in total.
PostPosted: Fri 02. Aug 2019 14:21:10 
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Joined: Tue 21. Aug 2018 13:05:23
Posts: 274
are you sure the heli mechanic is perfectly leveled on the table ?
( the head main shaft has to be perfectly perpendicular to the table )
if yes, then the swashplate is not perfectly leveled to the heli :)

you can use a swashplate leveler or the zip tie trick :-)

usually I do the head setup in 3 steps

1st i level the swashplate
--- with servo centered i try to level the swashplate and put it in the center of the antirotation guide

2nd i level the head
--- with a correct diameter screwdriver inside the blade grip hole,
--- I set the swashplate-head uniballs so that the screwdriver is perfectly parallel to the shaft

3rd i configure the collective and cyclic degrees on fbl and radio

PostPosted: Fri 02. Aug 2019 14:34:52 

Joined: Mon 16. Apr 2018 7:19:02
Posts: 192
I discovered that the value ail / ele range in tab Limits(Cyclic ring tuning) is so high because it is inversely proportional to the value of the Geometry Tuning 6°.

I redone the tuning of geometry of the 6° again, (my digital pitch gauge often times of strange values), but I measured many times, and now, I find myself 6° / 120 value in geometry tuning, and 150 / 10° in tab limits ele / aile range (cyclic ring tuning)
Now everything seems to me to be coherent!

PostPosted: Fri 02. Aug 2019 14:44:13 

Joined: Mon 16. Apr 2018 7:19:02
Posts: 192
Hi Urgno , the main shaft of my heli is not perfectly perpendicular to the table, because the cart and the frame of the heli have an inclination in front, so the reference of the pitch gauge I have to take it right on the heli, in a point at 90 ° with the main shaft and not on the table.

the main problem is that my digital pitch gauge, you never give equal measurements, sometimes they are very different from each other (inconsistency) and you need to be patient. now I have found the exact 6th geometry. at least I hope..

Established the geometry value in my case 6° / n.120 value in tab setting, then everything also returns in the tab limits ele / aile cyclic range tuning value.Now i have 150 / 10°, and it seems to me correct.

I would like to know if it also happens to you that the digital pitch gauge is often wrong ...


PostPosted: Fri 02. Aug 2019 19:34:23 

Joined: Sun 02. Apr 2017 17:49:47
Posts: 47
Hi ! It happened the same to me before , I changed the battery for the digital gauge and it works fine after that.

PostPosted: Fri 02. Aug 2019 20:22:46 

Joined: Mon 16. Apr 2018 7:19:02
Posts: 192
Hello you read me in mind....I thought the same thing in fact today I have changed two cr2032 seems to go better.but in any case the display could be seen well the same even with the "old battery"

Thanks for your comment Trek nut!

PostPosted: Tue 06. Aug 2019 10:08:52 
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Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
Posts: 12557
If you are unsure the mechanics is configured perfectly, I recommend to use this guide: ... tive_Pitch

This will ensure that everything should be as precise as possible.

The angle of the collective pitch must be always same at any rotor direction.
While Cyclic pitch will be different depending on how the swashplate is tilted.
When measuring Aileron angle blades must be always parallel with the boom.
Elevator require perpendicular position for measurement. Moreover measurement is always affected on how precisely 0° is configured.

Spirit System developer

PostPosted: Tue 06. Aug 2019 12:17:28 

Joined: Mon 16. Apr 2018 7:19:02
Posts: 192
Hi Tomas, thanks for the reply.
Tomorrow I get the swash leveler for oxy3, and I do everything accurately.
Excuse me if I ask elementary questions, unfortunately I have been standing on the heli for more than 1 year, and I have forgotten certain things about the configuration

PostPosted: Thu 08. Aug 2019 7:47:40 
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Joined: Mon 29. Apr 2013 16:06:44
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No problem, you are welcome!

Spirit System developer

PostPosted: Thu 08. Aug 2019 7:57:29 

Joined: Mon 16. Apr 2018 7:19:02
Posts: 192
Hi Tomas I have leveled the plate again now it's perfect, plus in the adjustments the oxy linkage balls allow insertion in both directions, so you're accurate.

one last question but how much difference is allowed between the two blades, when you measure the tracking max 0.5° degrees?
same thing when you measure the collective max and min 0.5° pos difference and neg is acceptable?


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