msromike wrote:
I looked at the manual and had a few questions, I think I understand the rest of it well enough to get started.
Can you have 2 rescue Modes AND a stabi mode on 3 separate switches (channels?)
How do you cancel Rescue (Automatic) mode from the radio, does changing output to less than +100% on the channel disable it? In other words does it work like a momentary toggle, or is it a two position toggle?
The part that was confusing in the manual for Rescue (Automatic) was the part where it said you could set Rescue (Automatic) and then trigger it at any time as a manual command.
You can have as many Rescue modes, or any other desired features, as your Tx and Rx has available Channels. On the Stabi page pick Select By Channel. Then set them up on the Channel page. Each one on its own channel and switch.
The 100% you're referring, I believe, is more if your using the Gain option which is only needed for a lower channel count Tx.
For Resuce Automatic to work, it needs to be on a 2 postion switch. You activate it at desired height and leave it active. The unit from then will not allow the heli below set altitude. Obviously need to turn it off to land.
If programmed to a momentary switch, it will just be a bailout and not an Automatic Rescue.
Re thinking it, Spirit may actually have a limit, 8 I believe. Honestly can't remember. Know for absolute certain you can have 3 as that's what I have programmed. Rescue Auto, Rescue Acro, Stabilization Acro. Each on their own switch