I'm trying to install the 1st-rc buffer pack with my Spirit GT. It is supposed to have the option to be turned off via transmitter. The instructions are as follows:
In addition to the button on the buffer itself, the buffer can now also be switched off via a channel in the receiver with an assigned switch.
This is a great advantage, especially for models in which the buffer is installed inaccessible.
To do this, the buffer is connected to a free slot and a switch is assigned for this channel, which toggles it from -100 to +100.
However I can not get it to work. In my transmitter I used a free channel (ch10) and assigned a switch to it. In the channel monitor on the transmitter I can see it correctly move from -100 to 100. In Spirit channel settings I selected "Output to ch0" and assigned channel 10. I can also see the green bar move from empty to full here when toggling the switch, however status remains at "1 (on)", not sure if this is relevant. Then I connected the buffer pack to ch0 on the Spirit GT and it just won't turn off no matter how many times I flip the switch. Am I missing something with the setup or is it an issue with my pack?