Hello Tomas,
i simply DO have to say this: Spirit RS is really great. i replaced a NEO+Rex3+jlog by a Spirit RS in a Logo 600SX and it simply rocks. the Spirit is clearly not 2nd to any other unit in its flying qualities.... and if we are talking about integration with my Jeti DS-12 (Spirit Ed.
) it is simply (by far) the best.
tail feels a bit different (not better/worse, just different) and cyclic is almost same with settings you suggested for NEO users.
absolutely great unit... perfect job. i am only waiting for Hobbywing telemetry FET temp readings to be modified in the next update and i will be perfectly happy... not looking back to hardware i've used before! and for the 1st time i am thinking of switching my 'holy' Diabolo to Spirit...
a huge thx a lot!