Im new to jeti and trying to setup my Goblin Nitro.
I have setup up with electric helis the Spirit pro (on spektrum) and have no problem, on the nitro here is were im stuck.
CH-1 for throttle (servo) is connected directly to CH-1 on the a REX3 reciver.
[SOLVE] 1.- I go to start the setup, on the channel input I get 0 +100, and the servo is on the rung direction, If I reverse the channel on the Tx, it reverse so i get +100 0 (going down to up), so I revire it again so the input channel is correct (knowing the servo is not moving correct (open is close & close is open on the engine).
2.- on the rest of the the input I get 0 +100 no need for travel adjustment but i do have to use the sub-trim on the Tx to get center correct, is this ok?? or i shouldn't use the subrtim to centre!!
[SOLVE] 3.- when i go to the Governor / Throttle and select throttle reverse, witch it should make the throttle servo move in correct direction, nothing happened, is this because its connected direct to the Rex3 Reciver?.
[SOLVE] 4.- Ignoring the fact if I reverse the channel on the Tx to get the correct movement on the engine Throttle servo when i adjust so it wont bind on the carburetor I go to aprox 75pos-80neg and get a the center correct but on the Channel input o don't go from 0-100 i go from ~15 to ~80, and i have on the stick a dead movement in the first 3-7% and same in the last 3-7%, like a dead zone?
when I set it on the spectrum never had that problem, what im doing rung...
BTW CH0 on the spirit I have assign to the glow starter via a switch work fine, so don't know whats rung???
I connected to the AUX 1 port, and everything seems ok now. ...