Spirit System

[ Version 3.7.0 released! ]
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Author:  ZeXx86 [ Thu 06. Jun 2024 13:40:31 ]
Post subject:  [ Version 3.7.0 released! ]

New version 3.7.0 released!

  • New Spektrum Avian ESC telemetry support:
    • Full support for Spektrum Avian ESC telemetry.
    • Only Spirit GT, Spirit GTR, Spirit W1 are supported.
    • Spirit Pro, Spirit 2, Spirit RS and microSpirit will be supported shortly after.
    • See wiring and settings at the Wiki page.
  • Full support for CRSF/ELRS telemetry:
    • Spirit units are able to send telemetry now.
    • Available sensors are:
      • Battery Voltage
      • Battery Current
      • Used Capacity
      • Vibration Level
      • GPS Latitude
      • GPS Longitude
      • GPS Speed
      • BEC Voltage (reported as GPS Heading)
      • GPS Satellites
      • Altitude
  • Support for pure Flybar Rotor Head:
    • Spirit Settings has new parameter Rotor Head where you can select:
      • Flybarless
      • Flybar (Stabilized) - is equal to previous behavior with Flybar that has aid from Spirit in terms of more stable flight.
      • Flybar (Classic) - Flybar mechanics without any aid from Spirit.

    • Flybar (Classic) mode will offer identical flight behavior as without Spirit unit - no Swashplate Gyros are used. However Rescue and Stabilisation modes can be still all used.
  • YGE telemetry:
    • Telemetry hang was fixed with certain models of YGE ESC and Spirit GT/GTR.
  • Rotation Rates can be set in a decimal step:
    • From now you can set Rotation Rates more precisely in the software and radio integration.
    • Range is identical for both Cyclic and Rudder.
  • Graupner HoTT telemetry:
    • Spirit units will accept telemetry from Graupner HoTT ESCs configured as GAM, EAM and ESC sensors.
    • Previously only EAM sensor was supported.
  • UniSense-e telemetry support:
    • Spirit units will accept telemetry from UniSense module configured as Graupner HoTT now.
    • Using HoTT ESC will give you the most telemetry variables.
  • Spektrum and HoTT Integration:
    • You can set OMP M4 and Spektrum Avian telemetries from the integration menu now.
  • Throttle safety Locking feature:
    • From now Spirit unit will set Throttle to Low when Spirit Settings software is configured.
    • This will prevent Motor to spoolup by mistake during configuration.
    • When Throttle Hold is disengaged user is notified and asked if he wish to spoolup the motor.
  • RealTime Logging:
    • Battery Voltage can be logged from now.
    • When Throttle Channel is assigned Logs are recorded only when Throttle value is above treshold.
    • Logging is not triggered based on Vibration Level but based on Throttle value - if Throttle Channel is assigned.
  • GeoLink firmware 1.4.1 update:
    • New safety protection - GPS Satelites are set to 0 in case GNSS module will stop to respond for whatever reason.
    • If module has internal malfunction only in one part Spirit unit will no longer use outdated data.
  • Rudder Common Gain:
    • Common Gain range was increased to 2.5x.
    • Useful for big Scale RC models.
  • FrSky EthOS integration:
    • Integration script is compatible with EthOS 1.5.7+.
    • Interface was improved and new options were added.
    • New support for Log Viewer.
    • Lua Script is Open-Source from now and licensed under CC.
  • FrSky F.BUS protocol:
    • MicroSpirit units can use F.BUS protocol with FrSky integration cable.
    • FrSky Integration cable for microSpirit is recommended.

Update for the Spirit units, JETI integration, EthOS integration, OpenTX integration is available in our Download section.

NOTE: After update verify Sensor/Rotation Rates.

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