Configured it yesterday on my x3. Today here there is 5 to 7 bft wind but I needed to see how it performs
I have not tweaked it but gov response 3 and holding to 1 wasn't enough. Landed and adjusted it to this:
Gov response 4
Gov holding performance 3
Yge is at plane middle and startup power 4%. Align 460mx motor.
Ill say it works pretty good without fine tuning already, I just which there was a very fast spoolup option. This is fast.
First rpm 2800, 2nd 3200 ... e=youtu.beWorks very well without even been tweaked. What I think is nessesary is to tweak the gov values per headspeed (will banks allow this) and maybe we need a function called collective add. What it does is it lets you set a value at which the rpm will rise acording to the pitch stick position. So with the stick in the middle you will get on the bench your requested rpm, but if you give full stick the rpm will rise a little. This works wonders on the Vbar gov and is a great way to finetune without having to set the gov very agressive. Must be easy to add.
Same goes for an cyclic add, for if you have rpm drop during side tic tocs but upright are ok you can tweak only the side movement by this.