Spirit System

Totally confused on Stability (Acro)
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Author:  Bladecrasher [ Mon 27. Nov 2017 5:28:14 ]
Post subject:  Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

I need help figuring out how to use Stab(Acro) mode with my DX8 radio.

I want to be able to fly normally and use the Stab feature through the use of my Fmode switch, and have Rescue available at all times.

It seems like I need to use BANKS to do this. I use my Fmode 3-position switch to change from Bank 0, 1 or 2. This works fine on my TX via the Gov menu option on Aux2. Using the Android BT app I have Bank 2 set to Stab(Acro).

I use my Trainer momentary switch for Rescue via Aux3 and the Separate Channel mode. This shows 1 when the Trainer is pushed and the collective moves upward, showing rescue is working as expected. Currently this only works in Bank 0 or 1, which makes sense. To Rescue from Bank 2 (Stab), I need to do two things:
1- Move back to Bank 1
2- Activate rescue mode

I do this with a MIX that is only active when the Fmode 2 position is enabled. This seems to work fine.

Reading the manual it seems that I need to set my Fmode 2 (Bank2) rudder Gyro gain to negative (-40 gain) to tell the Spirit to activate Stab(Acro) mode. Is this all I need to do?

How can I tell if this is working?

Some people on HF indicated you can see it on the bench ( I can't ).

Does the rudder Gain in the Android BT app show something like 40 Head-Lock+Stabi ? It doesn't. If I'm in Bank 0 or 1 and hit Rescue,
it changes to 40 Head-Lock+Rescue though.

Thanks for reading this long post. I can't seem to get my head around this. Any help will be appreciated.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Tue 28. Nov 2017 13:00:31 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

It seems like I need to use BANKS to do this.


Reading the manual it seems that I need to set my Fmode 2 (Bank2) rudder Gyro gain to negative (-40 gain)

Not correct if you are using F: Stabi mode function.

You only have to switch to Bank 2 which will have Stabilisation function in the Stabi tab. And by the same momentary button it will be activated (at least right now).

What you can do to make the stabilisation active all the time (not just when you hold momentary button) is to set some switch and mix there a value to the channel that is activating the rescue/stabilisation. So that you will see 1 all the time when it is flipped.

Author:  treys1 [ Tue 28. Nov 2017 14:18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

I have my DX8G2 setup the way you are wanting your setup. I'm not sure if the DX8 you have is the original and if it would be the same but mine is as so (copied from my HF post):

My banks are on Switch C and my Stabi Function is on Switch A.

Switch C:
Pos0 - Bank2 (Rescue Acro Stabi Function)
Pos1 - Bank1 (Rescue Normal Stabi Function)
Pos2 - Bank0 (Stabilization Normal Stabi Function)

Switch A:
Pos0 - Function Off
Pos1 - Function On

I wanted Bank0 to have Stabilization Normal turned on when Switch A was on Pos0 as that is my "Rescue" switch. When I flip Switch A to Pos1 for "Rescue" it changes banks to Bank1 and turns the Function On.

Bank1 & Bank2 are unaffected and Switch A just functions as Rescue Function On or Off.

Mix1.jpg [ 237.34 KiB | Viewed 990 times ]

Mix2.jpg [ 228.72 KiB | Viewed 990 times ]

Mix3.jpg [ 259.49 KiB | Viewed 990 times ]

Mix 1 is what throws it from Bank0 to Bank1 and Mix2 is the one that enables the Function in Bank0 without the turning on the Function switch.

Author:  treys1 [ Tue 28. Nov 2017 14:25:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

Also, I have ALL of my settings the same both the Spirit and TX for those 2 banks so the heli doesn't do anything weird when switching to rescue and back out.

Author:  Bladecrasher [ Wed 29. Nov 2017 8:36:54 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)


I'm using a DX8 G1 and the menus are different enough that the other folks that have shared ideas with their more modern radios don't translate well.

I can make the Rescue work fine. But when I put -40 or +40 into the Gyro menu, controlled by the Fmode option, there seems like no way to force the +40 gain Rescue(Normal) to -40 to activate the Rescue.

It would be nice with some future software update to (fix) the Channel Diagnostic screen so that if you the Gain text descriptions actually match the input coming from the TX. When you toggle the Fmode to change Banks, if the bank in the TX does not match the lower right corner Bank in the software, then the text description does not make sense. This is extremely confusing during setup and playing with the TX.

I have had it for tonight. Maybe I need to forgo 3 options and somehow setup the Banks to reflect Stab or Rescue with fixed Gyro gains in the software.

Maybe someone with a DX8 G1 will have some input they can share.

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 29. Nov 2017 14:17:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

I believe that it can work with your radio too.

What we have to make clear is if you are using Rescue/Stabilisation activation by a negative gyro gain OR by dedicated channel with assigned F: Stabi mode.
If you are using second option, then Gyro Gain does not play a role and making it negative will not make any difference.
You have to change value of the dedicated channel in that case.

if the bank in the TX does not match the lower right corner Bank in the software, then the text description does not make sense

The behavior is that when your software is running Bank Switching from radio is temporarily disabled. There is nothing more in it. So changing switch has no effect.
At that time you are controlling Banks just by running software - what is selected in the bottom combo box is active.
But you are right that in the Diagnostic tab when you can see it is changing it could be confusing. There it is just to check that they will be changing with switch when software is not running. So you are right that it should be somehow explained. We will try to improve it.

Author:  treys1 [ Wed 29. Nov 2017 14:59:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

It would be great if switching the bank on the TX switched it in setup as well!

Author:  ZeXx86 [ Wed 29. Nov 2017 15:08:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

We will do something with it ;)

Author:  Bladecrasher [ Wed 29. Nov 2017 16:54:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

I have it working in a limited mode I believe by using banks only, where bank2 is dedicated to rescue only.

I set the fmode switch to only engage bank 0 or 1 where I have stability set on both modes. Then my rescue drives bank2 to active. I set the gyro gain to ON with a negative gain value. The software shows correct text description setting when you change the banks settings in both the TX and the software.

My training button linked to aux3 via a mix is what activates bank2.

Maybe using another two position switch and mixes I can figure out how to feed +/- gain to the gyro for bank0 or 1 and only - for bank2. This should give me both normal or stability in two modes plus rescue. At least I am working forward from a setup above that works.

Yet again thanks to all that have shared ideas on my confusion.

Author:  Bladecrasher [ Fri 01. Dec 2017 16:56:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Totally confused on Stability (Acro)

Resolved. Changed rudder gain from gyro to channel 5 servo endpoints to match gain desired and linked to mix switch.

Added 2 more mixes to use the fmode mix switch via n12h one one mix and just the h option on the 4th mix to feed aux3 to ger when rescue button is pushed.

Mix switch in 0 position provides + gain in all three fmode. Rescue forces bank2 and - gain. Mix switch 1 position provides - gain in in all fmode. Banks selection via gov menu is set to only access banks 0/1.

Thanks again to all that helped me.

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